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Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
> On Nov 15, 2007, at 12:13 PM, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
>> Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
>>> Carsten Ziegeler (JIRA) wrote:
>>>> Log4j configuration is loaded to late with Spring Configurator
>>> ...
>>>> There might be different solutions for this:
>>>> a) Provide a configuration servlet/servlet listener (Spring provides
>>>> one as well, but that's only usuable inside an expanded war file)
>>>> b) Create an XML tag for spring configuration (like we do for the
>>>> settings). This will ensure that logging is setup before beans are
>>>> setup
>>> I'd prefer either a or b. b is even better since you don't have to touch
>>> web.xml.
>>> Speaking of logging, I think latest jetty maven plugin (or something
>>> else?) broke all the logging and now everything is dumped to the
>>> console, and log file is empty. It started doing this for me day or two
>>> ago.
>> By default log4j loads the log4j.properties from the classpath. Perhaps
>> this is enough?
> Brining this topic back up... We were providing built-in support for
> logging like... forever... dropping it would not add to the convenience
> of using Cocoon.
> And since b) still would not catch some of Spring logging, a) seems like
> best option. I'd like to see it implemented - if I get chunk of time to
> do it, I'll try to...

Have a lock at

> Vadim
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