On 07/26/2013 05:47 PM, Piratenvisier wrote:
> I created an own dependency of cocoon-rest-optional of your block with
> another groupID
> When I start jetty java complains that it doesn't find the
> placeholders in block-application-context.
> I don't have this problem in cocoon-sample. Where is this placeholding
> mechanism set up ?

In linux I did:

cd c3
#here i searched for pattern *.xml
# then I searched for configurator

I found 12 matches the important once in the cocoon-rest-optional where
located in the rcl folder:
<!-- Activate Cocoon Spring Configurator -->
name="org.apache.cocoon.reloading.sitemap" value="true"/>
name="org.apache.cocoon.containerencoding" value="UTF-8"/>
name="org.apache.cocoon.exception.ProcessingException.unroll" value="true"/>

You find the docu about it in
specially the part
where the properties matching is explained in detail.

In short I guess you do not have either not activated the configurator
so the properties file is not picked up or you do not have a file like
in your project.

I recommend as well the spring "vanilla" placeholder docu
since the "Cocoon Spring Configurator" in the end is a wrapper around that.


Thorsten Scherler <scherler.at.gmail.com>
codeBusters S.L. - web based systems
<consulting, training and solutions>


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