Le 21 juil. 05, à 18:40, Christian Stocker a écrit :

...Bertrand today implemented XSLTAL into cocoon and asked me, if I could
officially contribute my tal2xslt.xsl, which I gladly will do with this

Thanks very much for your contribution!

Despite all the exciting stuff and chats going around here at ApacheCon, I found some time to create the new "xsltal" Cocoon block to host the XSLTAL transform and some samples (just in time to make an announcement at your presentation ;-)

To test the new block, get the BRANCH_2_1_X from SVN, rebuild and see http://localhost:8888/samples/blocks/xsltal/

The HtmlUnit tests of the new block don't run yet, I'll have a look at this and also include the block in the trunk later.

I have added your name to http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cocoon/branches/BRANCH_2_1_X/status.xml so that it appears in the credits of the next release.


  Bertrand Delacretaz
  independent consultant, Lausanne, Switzerland

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