Hi all,

Family will be away in May/June for ~15 days, and I'm planning to use the spare 
time these weeks to release Apache Commons Imaging 1.0-alpha3, and Apache 
Commons Text 1.10.
I'm working with Gary Lucas on fixing the Hashmap parameters and replacing them 
by a new object [1]. Gary has also a few more fixes in the work for issues, 
especially related to TIFF image parsing.
And in Text, I have merged a fix for the Jaro Winkler distance [2]. Both the 
Jaro Winkler similarity and the distance were returning the same values. A user 
has contributed a PR fixing it, and I've added a few more commits to fix the 
issue - binary compatibility kept.
If you have any more issues for Imaging/Text, just reply here and I'll start 
reading the issues and slowly working on the fixes or reviewing code to include 
in the next release.


[1] https://github.com/apache/commons-imaging/pull/116
[2] https://github.com/apache/commons-text/pull/214

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