Le ven. 30 avr. 2021 à 17:40, Avijit Basak <avijit.ba...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hi
>          >>lot of spurious references to "Commons Numbers"
>              --I have only created the basic project structure. Changes
> need to be made. Can anyone from the existing commons team help in doing
> this.

Wel, you should "search and replace":
  "Numbers" -> "Machine Learning"
  commons-numbers -> commons-machinelearning

Other things (repository URL, JIRA project name and URL) require that
a component be created (vote is pending).
[As long as those files are not part of a PR, it is not urgent to fix them.]

>          >> For sure, populate it with the code extracted from CM's
> "genetics"
> package and proceed with the enhancements.
> At first, I'd suggest to refactor the layout of the package (i.e. create
> a "subpackage" for each component of a genetic algorithm).
>               -- I am working on it.


> Did not commit the code till now.

OK.  When you do, please ask for review on the "dev" ML.

>           >>  Then some examination of the data-structures is required (a
> binary chromosome is currently stored as a "List<Integer>").
>               -- I have recently done some work on this. Could you please
> check this article and share your thought.
>                   "*https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.04751
> <https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.04751>*"

Alex already provided a thorough response.
It's a pity that JDK's BitSet is missing a few methods (e.g. "append")
for a readily usable implementation of a "binary chromosome".

Do you think that allele sets other than binary would be useful to
implement? [IIUC your document above, it seems not (?).]

>           Are we thinking to use Spark for our parallelism

No, if the code is to reside in Commons.

> or a simple
> multi-threading of Java.

Yes, we'd depend only on JDK classes.

> I would prefer to use java multi-threading and
> avoid any other framework.
>           In java we don't have any library which can be used for AI/ML
> programming with a very minimal learning curve. Can we think of fulfilling
> this need?

That would be nice. Don't hesitate to enlist fellow programmers. :-)


>           This will be helpful for many java developers to venture into
> AI/ML without learning a new language like Python.
>>> [...]

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