
In we introduced a check that the 
source port of a TFTP reply is not identical to the control port.

Which by itself is not a bad idea. 

As it allows a server to handle multiple, parallel connections. It uses the 
port number as a session identifier (see * excerp below from Stevens, TCP/IP 
Illustrated, Vol1, p212).

Unfortunately - this seems to break quite a few IoT implementations that bare 
based on LWIP, Arduino and MBed examples that do not actually pick a new/random 
source port. But re-use the control port (as they are only capable of one 
connection at the time). As they lack the memory to keep multiple bound sockets 

One example I am currently struggling with are Grbl, Saur  and LAOS based 

Now closely reading the RFC - it seems to lack the usual SHOULD or MUST (as per 
rfc 2119 parlance) statements around having to pick a unique/new source port 
that is not identical to the control port. So it seems we're a bit more strict 
that we should.

So I am wondering if this change should be reverted; or, at the very least, be 
subject to a property value the end user can set system wide to `disable'.

With kind regards,


*: ... TFTP, the protocol is different since there is a longer term 
relationship between the client and server (which we said could be seconds or 
minutes). If one server process used the well-known port for the duration of 
the file transfer, it would either have to refuse any further requests that 
arrived from other clients, or that one server process would have to multiplex 
file transfers with multiple clients at the same time, on the same port (69). 
The simplest solution is to have the server obtain a new port after it receives 
the RRQ or WRQ. Naturally the client must detect this new port when it receives 
the first data packet and then send all further acknowledgments to that new 

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