Hello community.

A friendly reminder. To those who want to take care of the Cordova
translation, please let me know.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Victor Sosa <sosah.vic...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 11:45 AM
Subject: Who's interested on Cordova translation process ownership?
To: dev@cordova.apache.org <dev@cordova.apache.org>

Hello community.

It's with mixed feelings that I have to say this. My current assignment at
work is keeping me away from the community, hence I  haven't been able to
perform in the way all of you deserve in reciprocity for your hard work.

Because of this, I need to hand over the translation work in order to keep
it as up-to-date as possible. My best two candidates are Andrey Kurdumov
and Dmitry Blotsky, but others are invited as well.

Process-wise, this is what is required to do

And it takes about 2 hours per week to accomplish this

Who's interested? Just let me know so we can have a conversation and
properly transfer the ownership.

Nevertheless, I won't be disappearing from the community, instead I'll be
just sneaking around (like I've been doing the last couple of months).
You'll see me from time to time.

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