In order to support push notification in my hybrid application, I added 
phonegap-plugin-push. But after adding this plugin, the application build 
process takes more than 20 minutes! (10 for build and 10 for serve)

Here are the steps:

 a Hybrid Mobile Application with Yeoman took blank template, yo 
oraclejet:hybrid app --appName="Sample NavBar" --template=blank 

2.    Build a Hybrid Mobile Application with Grunt (it will get build in 20 

3.    Add phonegap-plugin-push plugin, here are the steps I followed:

a. Change directory to project folder/hybrid

b. Ran following command: cordova plugin add phonegap-plugin-push --variable 

4.    Build the application again : It now took 10 minutes to build the 
project. grunt build --platform=android

5.    Install the application on android emulator, the process again takes 10 
minutes to serve

grunt serve --platform=android --disableLiveReload=true

Following are the configuration details:

.         Windows 7 x64

.         Cordova version: 6.1.1

.         Java version: 1.8.0_77

.         Cordova platform version android: 5.1.1

.         Android SDK Platform-tools: 23.1.0

It will be painful if it takes so much time each time I build/install the 
application. Has some one encountered this issue before OR I am missing 
something while adding the plugin?


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