Hello all,

I'm working on a new website for the release of ctakes 5 and was hoping to get 
some feedback from you about color scheme, necessary links, any other ideas you 
might have.

To follow the Apache branding 
policy<https://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/pmcs> while also being able to 
use github pages to host a new website https://apache.github.io/ctakes-website/ 
users will go to http://ctakes.apache.org/ and then get redirected to the new 
website after a couple of seconds. The downloads page will be completed when 
the release is ready.  Until then it is a placeholder.

I'd also like to mention that ctakes committers already have rights as long as 
they have linked their apache account to a github account.  One way to do this 
is by using the boxer service https://gitbox.apache.org/boxer/ . Any linked 
committers can also edit the wiki.

Please respond to this email with any questions or suggestions.  I am still new 
to ctakes so any assistance is appreciated!

P.s. (If anybody has Jekyll knowledge then your assistance would be greatly 

Thank you for your time and have a great weekend,

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