If the Content-Type isn't application/xop+xml, then it isn't an MTOM message 
and shouldn't be processed as such.   It would be a huge bug not to send it as 

If you really want to try to change it, an interceptor that runs immediately 
after the AttachmentSerializer may be able to grab the content type out and 
re-set the header.   Not really sure what else would break though.


On Thu October 8 2009 1:44:47 pm 김강원 wrote:
> Dear!
> I have a big problem in end of the project.
> We have been used MTOM with clinet of WebService
> But HTTP Header’s fixed content-type is problem
> Looks like here :
> Content-Type: multipart/related; type="application/xop+xml";
> boundary="uuid:d1b3cf01-b71e-47fe-916d-cc0488c7de38";
> start="<root.mess...@cxf.apache.org>"; start-info="text/xml"
> Most of all  , We have big prblem is type parameter that is
> type="application/xop+xml";
> We want to change type="application/xop+xml"  to type="text/xml"
> How do you know using the MTOM while changing the content-type in CXF?
> Please help me…
> Thank you!

Daniel Kulp

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