On Mon June 15 2009 10:15:54 pm Pradeep Fernando wrote:
> we are using CXF code engine to generate artifacts. CXF currently supports
> JAX-WS compatibility, one of our main requirements.
> Other than that in databinding perspective it supports ,
> JAXB- primary requirement
> XMLBeans
> aegis (dont knw weather it is useful for tuscany people)

Actually, we don't have code generation for Aegis.   That's a "java 
first/runtime only" databinding.

> SO we have to support SDO & AXIOM databinding in addition to above features
> to make it really useful.
> I have gone through databinding code of CXF and did similar work in
> *Dynamic SDO databinding*. Note that Im only adding databinding support to
> only the tool and not to whole CXF. There is a GSOC project that adding SDO
> databinding to whole CXF(CXF framework + tooling) but i dont no their
> progress (couldnot see any discussions in CXF dev list).

I wish I knew as well.  :-(   I think he's gone on vacation as I haven't been 
able to get a hold of him in a couple weeks. 

> So i created a maven module for group hooking up classes. (implementing the
> databinding tooling interface of the CXF).
> Now as my mentor suggested Im trying to come up with a series of test cases
> that would test & exercise my implementation.
> That would be really helpful in adding other databindings too.
> since CXF have xmlbeans databinding for tooling there should be similar
> sort of test cases written already to exercise their implementation. I sent
> a mail regarding this & it takes time to get replies. 

Well, the "testing" that is done for this is really part of the systests 
module.   In the generate-test-sources phase, we run the code generator on a 
couple of wsdl's and then we run clients/servers with them to make sure the 
message exchanges work with xmlbeans.   This is definitely an area we need 
more (well, any) unit tests.     

You COULD look in the cxf tools/wsdlto/test/ module.   Particularly 
org/apache/cxf/tools/wsdlto/jaxws/CodeGen*Test.java.  Those classes invoke 
code generators, compile the output, use reflection to make sure the compiled 
classes have the right methods, etc....    Might be a good starting point.


> another thing i looked at is, there is wsdl2java maven module in tuscany
> code(I think based on Axis2 codegen engine) .So there should be a similar
> sort of test cases to test it behaviour, but I found none. Can anyone of
> you please explain the progress of that project
> please give comments & suggestions & you are welcome to ask questions if im
> not clear.
> Pradeep Fernando.
> *Im working on SDO & Axiom(ADB) at the same time. any pointers regarding
> SDO code generation would be helpful.
> *though I have written code for dynamic SDO databinding it is not fully
> tested. should i submit it as a patch or wait untill all the things in a
> working stage & well tested.

Daniel Kulp

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