I tried the latest version of WLS 12C, 12.1.2, for the integration tests.

*mvn clean install -Pwls-remote-12c

*But on every deployment I receive a Weld error:

*WELD-001408 Unsatisfied dependencies for type [DeltaSpikeContextExtension]
with qualifiers [@Default] at injection point [[field] @Inject private

This is a bit odd as the DeltaSpikeContextExtension is in the same package
as the WindowContextProducer.  But the fact that the classes are in a jar
file included in the war, leads to the idea that WLS still has problem by
defining the Bean Archive.

A bug report for WELD-001408 error with version WLS 12.1.1 is marked as
fixed, although the description isn't exactly the same (classes not
injectable if in different jar files) a similar problem still exists.

When running with the older version 12.1.0, I receive another error.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find beans for Type=class
org.apache.deltaspike.core.impl.scope.window.WindowBeanHolder and
Here it can't find the CDI bean from the Bean Manager when deployment
validation is done  (Does this mean that the DeltaSpikeContextExtension is
injected in the WindowContextProducer, the place where the new version
fails ??)

Anyway, it seems that we need to unpack the deltaspike jars, the same as we
needed to do with CODI (1)

I'll verify that next week.



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