Hi Guys,

I checked in the plugin for generating Checklist
Guides and corresponding recipes.

It's here.

There's a README.txt that explains how to use it in
the parent project root directory.

I had to slap the README together fast, because I'm
going to be sweating in Miami and then the Caribbean
for 9 days (It's going to be rough, might not make it
back), starting tomorrow, and I wanted to check this
in, in case some of us wanted to explore it.

Anyways if you run the archetype it will generate a
project containing a 



In the source 
directory are 2 files


The mojo reads these and generates rest of the content
for the eclipse documentation plugin created by the

There is other content in the ApacheDS Contributor
Guide that I created earlier, beside the checklists
and the recipes. 

My next task is to break that guide into 2 projects. 
One that holds the "Hand" created content, along with
a Master TOC (Table of Contents) and another that has
the generated content.  Then suck the generated
content into the "hand" written content, using the
Eclipse TOC xml structure (The master TOC).

This way the generated content can evolve on it's own.

- Ole

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