Sent it to Alex only, but the target was the ML...

-------- Original Message --------



















it's juts fine if it's just about creating new modules and spread the
existing packages around. Just be sure to contact pajbam before merging
back into trunk, or even better, check with him what's required OSGi
wise to get M1 working fine, on monday.

Frankly, I'm not scared either worried, I think we are now very close to
the end of this big needed refactoring.

I must also admit I haven't checked a lot of the last commits, as I was
more busy testing some german excellent beers !
Guys, I ate so much food here that I had to drink a lot of beers and
schnapps in order to get hydrated ... Though I wasn't drunk, because the
food was in such a quantity that it diluted the alcohol...

Baseline, with the sun we had, it was an *exzellent* week-end, much
needed ! I also slept a lot, something I forgot was possible :)

Emmanuel Lécharny

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