Dear Dev.

I've got 18 Computing quals, mainly in old-school stuff like Basic and Cobol, 
but a fair few in Databases, WordProcessing and Spreadsheets.  I wouldn't call 
myself an Industry Whizz, but I'm good enough to be able to sort out most 
problems people have with any of the above and I'd love to help either by being 
someone you can send people's questions to and I'll try to help them out, or if 
loads of people seem to be getting stuck in the same area I'm happy to sort out 
the problem and write a 'how-to', or anything else you can think of.  Like you 
say, you're providing the software for free so it's only right us users give a 
little back.

I've only just found out about OpenOffice and I'm downloading it for the first 
time, so I don't know if there's a Publisher element with it.  But if there is, 
I'm also good with Desktop Publishing, I know about how to convert a DTP page 
to a Web page and make areas 'clickable', for example, or anything else along 
those lines.  With Microsoft Office, you can also link spreadsheets to 
webpages. I don't know if you can do that with OpenOffice but if you can, I'll 
find out how to and be able to talk people through that sort of stuff, too.

Basically, you tell me what you want me to do and I'll give it my best shot.  
Can't promise omnipotent excellence - wish I could! - but I CAN promise to 
always try and usually succeed somehow.  Might be a little unconventional but I 
usually succeed somehow!

Yours eagerly - the software's just finished downloading and I'm off to try it 
out - 

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