Hello, dobbo dev
         I hava a question,  I had set both the consumer and provider "payload" 
size > 8M by my spring boot project yml setting of protocol,    
                      id: dubbo
                   name: dubbo
                     port: 12345
                     payload: 52428800
but unfortunately, it did not work, the console alway print "Data too large..." 
and then my IDE-tool crash.
for further analysis,I check the the logs , please see the according the analys 
result , I Compare files ReferenceConfig.class and ServiceConfig.class, and 
find that,
see the screenshot, the ServiceConfig.class did not add protocol data so the 
consumer always store the size = 8m.
So how can i set the consumer side can received date size >8 M , thank you.
_[0;39m _[36mcom.alibaba.dubbo.config.AbstractConfig _[0;39m _[2m:_[0;39m  
[DUBBO] Refer dubbo service com.xzsoft.server.DemoService from url 
 dubbo version: 2.6.2, current host:

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