Hi Dale,

I just paused my work on the classpath generation and simply added the 
maven-shade-plugin which creates uber-jars, which produces jars that contain 
not only the modules content, but also includes all dependencies into one big 
fat jar … I also added a sample start script to the topology project. 

Would this do as a startging point?

Regarding your points:
First section:
- Well it now produces an additional self-contained jar additionally
- When using Maven you usually don’t use this model of having something 
installed, it is possible using the “system” scope in dependencies and 
providing the systemPath element pointing to some 
“${edgent.home}/my-edgent-lib-1.2.0.jar” but that wouldn’t be good style. 
Usually the single-source for the artifacts would be the maven local repo on 
that device.
Second section:
- The shade plugin would work on all platforms. All I would have to do, is to 
add the plugin configuration to the other platforms.
- Having jars for each example would require splitting them up into separate 
maven modules. I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’d prefer a start script that 
lets the user choose the sample to run. I know this would require adjusting the 
start script whenever a sample is added/deleted/changed, but it would reduce 
the number of these super-fat uber jars.
- If the user ran the maven build (mvn clean package) any user would be able to 
run the samples.
- IntelliJ was able to immediately run every example I tried, even before the 
shade plugin was added and I think Eclipse this should also work.

Regarding the binary distribution. I think we should put non-edgent libs in a 
separate directory. Mainly because this way we clearly draw a line to what’s 
our stuff and which is from others (even if these “others” are also ASF 


Am 23.06.17, 18:40 schrieb "Dale LaBossiere" <dml.apa...@gmail.com>:

    Chris, thanks for the update.
    First, and most importantly, I hope you have a great weekend! :-)
    At a high level, I was thinking there’s value in a couple of 
build/packaging approaches.
    - create a totally self contained executable-jar
    - something that supports a model where a device may have a separately 
installed and managed Edgent that any/all apps on the device use.
    - a twist on the former where just the Edgent jars needed by the app are 
copied to a local dir and bundled up
    For the samples:
    - we should provide tooling that supports all of the above
    - the tooling should be able to generate j8, j7, or android
    - it might be good if each sample had its own pom.xml / generated .jar 
rather than one bit one
    - the user should be able to easily run a CLI-built sample locally (no need 
to actually copy things to a “device”)
    - the user should be able to easily import a sample into a maven-integrated 
IDE and build and run it
    - no need to include/demo building without mvn tooling
    Expanding on that...
    - create a totally self contained executable-jar
      This is what you get from Eclipse when selecting a maven-based Edgent app 
      and doing Export… > Runnable JAR > “package required libraries into jar”.
      The user just gets that jar onto their device and a “java -jar <the-jar>” 
and starts their app.  
      Very simple.  No additional work to get/install Edgent.  
      Only the app’s dependent Edgent jars (and deps) are included in the jar - 
i.e., it’s ~minimal/
      This is perhaps an actual production mode of use for simple "single 
Edgent app" devices.
    - something that supports a model where a device may have a separately 
installed and managed Edgent that any/all apps on the device use.
      This has some characteristics that you mentioned. 
      I’m not sure how important it is to separate the Edgent vs “ext” 
      Unless there’s a compelling reason to do so, and it’s really not that 
much effort/complication, I think I’d just use a single dir for all :-)
      Provide some cmd that populates a local dir with *all* the Edgent jars 
and their deps (the analog of a full Edgent binary bundle).
      Provide an edgent-classpath.sh cmd that returns a CLASSPATH value that 
simply includes everything in that dir
      Bundle up that that local dir and the edgent-classpath script.
      The user needs to get bundle onto the device and unpack it.
      Note, building the app wouldn’t use this dir/bundle, it’s just for 
     (well, a user that had non-maven-intergrated app built tooling could use 
the generated dir)
      Create a jar containing just the Edgent app; make its manifest have and 
entry for main class.
      Provide a run-app.sh script that essentially just does:
        export CLASSPATH=`edgent-classpath.sh` # user can always augment this 
stmt if they have other things to add
            java -jar <the-edgent-app-jar>   # start the app
      Bundle up that jar and the run script.
      The user needs to get bundle onto the device and unpack it.
      The app is started via “./run-app.sh”
    - a twist on the former where just the Edgent jars needed by the app are 
copied to a local dir and bundled up
      This leverages mvn to create the ~minimal set of Edgent jars and their 
deps needed by the app.
      The dir contains what “mvn dependency:copy-dependency” creates.
      This seems to be the same thing as created by Eclipse   <project> > 
Export … > Runnable JAR > “copy required jars into sub-folder”.
      (Note, unlike that Eclipse export, the app’s jar would NOT contain a 
manifest classpath.  The edgent-classpath.sh scheme would be used.)
      The dir can be bundled up and brought to the device and unpacked.
    Hope that’s all mostly making sense / sensible :-)
    — Dale
    > On Jun 23, 2017, at 3:39 AM, Christofer Dutz <christofer.d...@c-ware.de> 
    > ...Just a little on what I’m currently working on. 
    > The maven dependency plugin is able to create an xml representation of a 
projects dependencies. I’m currently trying to create a build that pipes that 
through an XSLT and hereby creates a start-script for the example they are 
built in. This will refer to a directory structure in which all Edgent 
artifacts are output into one directory and all non-edgent dependencies to an 
“ext” subdirectory within that lib directory. The scripts should be able to 
correctly build an applications classpath based on that.

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