Ok …

so yesterday, while watching the latest game of thrones episode, I updated all 
poms and now Eclipse doesn’t complain about anything anymore.
I even fixed some minor issues Eclipse was reporting.

So, you guys satisfied with this?

Next Stop: Repots and Site generation …


Am 15.08.17, 22:19 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" <christofer.d...@c-ware.de>:

    Hi all,
    today I managed to spare some time to work on the Maven migration topic. 
    Here a short summary on what I fixed:
    1) The console/server now bundles the servlets.war as a resource inside the 
jar. So now all you need to so is reference the server jar and start the 
server. It did fix all problems with the samples I tried it with.
    2) Fix a problem with the JDBC Tests. In my case I couldn’t run the tests, 
because my username contained a special char (“christofer.dutz”), additionally 
I made the tests generate output only inside the target directory.
    3) Did some additional cleaning up in the maven build (removed some 
unneeded configuration options, fine-tuned the code coverage report generation)
    Today I did a lot of full builds:
    - Java8
    - Java8, Java7
    - Java8, Java7, Android (without toolchain – java7 built with java8 VM)
    - Java8, Java7, Android (with toolchain – java7 built with java7 VM)
    What I have on my to-do list next:
    1) Optimize the Eclipse support
    2) Finish the site-generation (Generation of API Docs, Test Reports, 
Coverage Reports, …)
    And it did show a problem I had as I was embedding a java8 servlets.war in 
the server and the build didn’t fail without toolchain, but with toolchain it 
did fail. So, it’s a good thing to have that in place as an additional measure 
of security :-)
    So far, the update … looking into Eclipse next.
    Am 14.08.17, 15:41 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" <christofer.d...@c-ware.de>:
        Hi Dale,
        I think I found out what’s going on:
        In general all is setup correctly. The generated console application is 
also build correctly and seems to be functional. 
        The only problem is that the example uses the HttpServer class in the 
server module to start the server. In the old build this referenced the war 
file in the servlets module relative to the server module. I cleaned that up. 
Unfortunately now whenever you run the HttpServer, this expects a 
target/war-resources directory containing a servlets.war file inside. 
Eventually we should think of a way to do this bundling of the servlet.war 
        I committed a change to the pom, that ensures all is in place for the 
edgent-sampes-topology example.
        All examples I tested seemed to work with that. 
        I also added code to throw an exception in case the war file isn’t 
found at all (which was the real problem)
        Am 09.08.17, 21:46 schrieb "Dale LaBossiere" <dlab...@apache.org>:
            Hi Chris/team,
            Since I’m going to be on vacation for the next two weeks I wanted 
to send out an update, etc.
            I’ve committed a lot of things to the PR over the last couple of 
days and I've updated the wiki so hopefully the TODOs are accurate/complete 
            To restate, IMO we’re working towards getting the PR in a good 
enough state so that we can merge it and then pretty quickly work on making a 
real release (if for no other reason as a forcing function since after the 
merge the old build tooling is broken).
            A couple of higher priority TODOs that come to mind:
            - Item 15.h getting the Edgent console working 
            - Item 12.d DEVELOPMENT.md
            - Item 10.c setup Nexus for receiving Edgent jars?
            - Item 18 build requires Java7
            - Item 8 Errors importing info Eclipse
            - How much of a dry run of a release can be done before merging the 
PR - in order to really assess the state of things?
               Can we get as far as creating and actually staging fake-RC 
source bundles and jars… that can then be evaluated?
            As another near-term sanity/progress check it would be great if 
another contributor/user could clone your repo 
<https://github.com/chrisdutz/incubator-edgent>) and then:
            - git checkout feature/maven
            - follow the info in the README in the top of the repo (not 
README.md) to build the Edgent SDK and then build and run some samples and 
report how it went.
            It would then be double great if someone could start working on an 
new version of Getting Started 
<https://edgent.apache.org/docs/edgent-getting-started>) appropriate for the 
new environment :-) … retaining the current version as is.
            — Dale

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