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Subject:        Re: Getting started on Fineract CN
Date:   Mon, 26 Feb 2018 16:38:56 -0700
From:   Phil Steitz <>
To:     Myrle Krantz <>

On 2/26/18 2:01 PM, Myrle Krantz wrote:
> Hey Phil,
> On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 8:13 PM, Phil Steitz <> wrote:
>> We should replace the source headers with standard headers.  The SGA
>> entitles us to do that.  We *can* include copyright notices citing
>> the original authors in NOTICE.txt, but should only do so if that
>> has been requested by the grantors.
> Thank you for the information.  I'll do a simple replace, like you suggest.
>> I just did that.  To make this easier, I created a list of repos
>> based on the github query you posted.  I use bash one-liners to do
>> the clones, pulls and (attempted) builds.  For example, the build
>> locally one does this:
>> cat $1 | while read in; do cd "$in"; echo "updating and publishing
>> $in"; git pull; chmod +x gradlew; ./gradlew PublishToMavenRepo; cd
>> ..; done
>> where the command line arg is the file with just the repo names in
>> it.  The problem I am now having is that the order of the repos in
>> the file is just random and there appears to be a required build
>> order.  I am pretty new to gradle, but in maven the reactor would
>> take care of figuring that out.  I will try to figure it out and fix
>> the order of the file, clean up the scripts and post them
>> somewhere.  Or someone who actually knows gradle can create
>> something like a fineract-cn-parent thingy whose build does all of
>> this.  Or I learn that this is all easily done using some gradle
>> commands that I don't know :)
> We have a script like this in the demo-server project.  You can find
> it under fineract-cn-demo-server/scripts

Doh!  I should have seen that.  Does pretty much exactly what I was
fumbling with.

>   To be honest I don't use it;
> I work from my own knowledge of the dependencies, but I know it's
> ridiculous to ask that of anyone else.  We definitely need to improve
> this area.
> Other people have complained that there things missing or that it
> doesn't work under certain OSes, or that it doesn't work consistently.

The key is to get people directed to whatever we have in place and
improve it over time.  Once I have fully succeeded, I will submit a
doco patch that points people in the right direction to get started.
> I personally would prefer a gradle parent project like the one you
> describe.  But ultimately I'd like for everything to be in an
> artifactory so that in most cases, you only have to build the projects
> you are making changes to.  We have a bit of work to do before we get
> there though.

I don't know gradle well enough to know how much work that would be,
but no time like the present to learn something new :)
> In the meantime, I think several people would very much appreciate any
> improvements you might offer for the scripts.
> Once I've gotten the headers updated, and the packages straightened
> out, I'd like to start putting things in an artifactory.  I haven't
> gone exploring to figure out how other Apache projects work with
> unreleased build-snapshots though, which we'll need for this.  Do you
> know of any other projects at Apache which upload build-snapshots of
> unreleased code to an artifactory?
Yes, lots of projects use

There is an argument though that if it can be easily greased, the
pull-and-publish locally model may be just as good.  Once we have
releases, we can move to depending on released artifacts.  I guess
it depends on how much breakage happens / how current you need your
snaps to be.

> Best Regards,
> Myrle

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