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-1 - 2

I will post our proposal on board@ for their feedback and possible
inclusion on the September board meeting agenda.


On 8/31/17, 11:28 PM, "Alex Harui" <> wrote:

>Hi folks,
>Here is the vote thread.  Please vote on whether to submit the proposal
>below to the board.  Please use +1 for yes, -1 for no, and if you want,
>any number in-between per [1].  Only PMC member votes will be used to
>determine the results, but we are more than happy to hear from non-PMC
>members as well.
>-------- Proposal -----------
>Apache FlexJS for Apache Top-Level Project
>Apache FlexJS is a new implementation of the principles of Apache Flex but
>designed for JavaScript runtimes instead of Adobe Flash/AIR runtimes.
>Apache FlexJS was created and released as part of the Apache Flex project
>and the UI framework is a full rewrite and does not leverage the code
>bases donated by Adobe.  Only the FlexJS compiler source was donated by
>Over time, the set of Apache Flex committers who are working on Apache
>Flex releases have become distinct from those working on FlexJS.  Add to
>that the Adobe announcement of the end-of-life for Flash in the browser,
>it makes sense to separate FlexJS from Flex so that followers of one side
>or the other don't have to filter out emails, bugs, web pages, etc, that
>they don't need.
>The proposal is to form an Apache FlexJS top-level project instead of
>creating a new Incubator Podling.   That is because all but one of the
>folks being proposed to the new Apache FlexJS PMC below have been on the
>Apache Flex PMC for months, if not years, and understand how to
>participate productively in an Apache project.  Plus, Apache FlexJS has
>already been released by the top-level Apache Flex project.
>Overview of FlexJS
>Apache FlexJS is designed to improve developer productivity in creating
>applications for wherever Javascript runs, including browsers as well as
>Apache Cordova applications, Node, etc.  FlexJS already has an ecosystem
>of folks creating IDEs for FlexJS, and some folks are at various points in
>the process of migrating existing Flex applications to FlexJS.
>Current Status
>Within Apache Flex, the FlexJS development has been conducted as a
>meritocracy.  No existing FlexJS developers came with the compiler code
>base donated by Adobe nor were they on the initial committers list for
>Apache Flex other than Alex Harui.  Everyone else has earned their way in
>by contributing and earning merit.
>Many FlexJS users are trying to migrate an existing Apache Flex app off of
>Adobe Flash.  As their migration progresses they will become less and less
>interested in Apache Flex releases and activity.  However, the Apache Flex
>JIRA project contains some  30,000 Flex issues migrated from Adobe's bug
>base, and the team page for Flex makes it hard to determine which
>committers are active on FlexJS, and it is frequently hard to determine if
>a user's question is about regular Flex or FlexJS.   We are seeing an
>increase in user interest with the Flash end-of-life announcement and
>having separate mailing lists, web pages, and JIRA projects will help save
>everyone time and energy.
>Apache FlexJS is already being released by Apache.
>Known Risks
>Code Extraction
>The flex-asjs, flex-tours, flex-typedefs, and flex-falcon Git repos would
>be migrated to GitBox.  Other Apache Flex repos would be treated as
>external dependencies.  This includes flex-utilities and the Apache Flex
>Orphaned Projects
>Most FlexJS PMC members are planning to remain on the Apache Flex PMC to
>help out just-in-case, but are already mostly inactive on the Flex code
>bases. However, there are at least 3 Apache Flex PMC members who have not
>contributed at all to FlexJS and participate in regular Flex releases, so
>the expectation is that Apache Flex will remain a viable project for some
>time to come.
>Inexperience with Open Source
>All of the initial team has been contributing to Apache Flex for months if
>not years.
>Homogenous Developers
>No company employs more than two of the members of the initial team.
>Reliance on Salaried Developers
>Until about a year ago, only 2 of the proposed PMC members were paid to
>work on FlexJS.  The rest contributed in their spare time.  Two more are
>now paid to migrate an existing application and thus contribute to add
>missing features and fix bugs.  By creating a separate project, we hope to
>attract more folks who may not want to be involved with the legacy Apache
>Flex code.
>Relationship with Existing Apache Projects
>Apache FlexJS might use some releases from Apache Flex for some features
>or for an Installer app.  FlexJS can be used to create Apache Cordova
>applications and we hope to find time to make the Cordova community aware
>of this capability.  The Apache FlexJS Compiler has dependencies on Apache
>Commons, and we use Apache Ant and Apache Maven for building the various
>release artifacts.
>Apache FlexJS does not currently does not distribute cryptography code
>other than an MD5 hash algorithm.
>Required Resources
>Mailing Lists
>Version Control
>We would like to use GitBox if it is practical to convert the current git
>repos listed above.  We want to explore using GitHub's wiki and
>documentation tools.
>Issue Tracking
>If GitBox allows us to use GitHub issues, we will use that, otherwise, we
>will request a new JIRA project from Infra.
>Other Resources
>We would like to try using Git for our website version control and
>whatever the publishing process is.  We will probably continue to run jobs
>on builds.a.o.
>Initial PMC
>Yishay Weiss
>Alex Harui
>Peter Ent
>Josh Tynjala
>Piotr Zarzycki
>Carlos Rovira
>Erik De Bruin
>Omprakash Muppirala
>Frédéric Thomas
>Olaf Krueger
>Michael Schmalle
>Dave Fisher
>Initial Committers
>Christofer Dutz
>Greg Dove
>Andy Dufilie
>Darrell Loverin
>We propose Harbs as initial PMC Chair and VP Apache FlexJS.
>Alex Harui and Peter Ent are currently employees of Adobe Systems Inc.
>Nobody else works for a large corporation.
>----------- End Proposal -----------

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