
Subject: Different Font result when using embed and not
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 16:31:43 +0100

In the attachment i have a project test.
In this project test i am using 3 types of fonts: embed by swf (using the 
fntswf utility), embed by css and not embed.
And i have 2 different results 
Embed by swf and by CSS i have the same result and not embed gives another 
Now start the true problem the better result is when the font is not embed 
because when embed the fonts gets blurry not perfect!
Some time ago i open a discussion with the title blurry fonts and on the end no 
one can say a really motive why this happens...
I was checking font types, special fonts to see if different fonts give better 
results and so on. kerning off/on, etc, ...
But where is the explanation when we use not embed the fonts presents the same 
as before the lunch of SDK 4.5.1 (new text renderer) but when embed the results 
are different with a worse presentation of the font?
You can save a life?
An explain this special situation that with the most recent version he have 
worse presentation even when "they" say that we will have a better one?

kind regards,
Miguel Ferreira


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