I'm happy to announce that we have unanimously approved this release.

There are 3 approving votes, 3 of which are binding:
* Danny
* Martijn
* Chesnay

There are no disapproving votes.

Thanks everyone!

On 08/11/2022 11:09, Martijn Visser wrote:
+1 (binding)

- Downloaded artifacts
- Checked hash and signature
- No binaries in source archive found
- Verified NOTICE files
- Build from source code
- Spinned up a Flink 1.16 cluster with Kafka and Elasticsearch7 and
used flink-sql-connector-elasticsearch7-3.0.0.jar to successfully sent data
from a Flink SQL application to the Elasticsearch cluster
- Verified that no SNAPSHOT versions exist, all versions point to 3.0.0 in
POM files
- Tag is OK
- Reviewed the Web PR

On Tue, Nov 8, 2022 at 2:21 AM Sergey Nuyanzin <snuyan...@gmail.com> wrote:

+1 (non-binding)

- checked signatures
- checked tag
- checked LICENSE/NOTICE files
- no binaries in source
- checked versions

On Mon, Nov 7, 2022 at 2:32 PM Danny Cranmer <dannycran...@apache.org>

+1 (binding)

- Source release does not contain binaries
- Source release builds and tests pass (when using CI log4j config)
- Verified signature of source archive
- Source code tag exists
- pom versions look correct in the source release
- README is ok
- The staging repository [1] contains expected jars and poms
- Maven artifact LICENSE/NOTICE/contents look good for
--- flink-connector-elasticsearch-base jar/javadoc jar/sources jar/test
--- flink-sql-connector-elasticsearch6-3.0.0-1.16 jar/sources jar

See FLINK-292789.
Typo for the tests failing logging issue FLINK-29279



On Mon, Nov 7, 2022 at 12:10 PM Chesnay Schepler <ches...@apache.org>

+1 (binding)

- correct Flink version in source release
- no -SNAPSHOT version in source release
- source release compiles and tests are passing
    - (mvn verify
- clean source release

- tag exists and points to correct commit

- all required jar artifacts present
- artifact version in artifact names contains both the full connector
version and minor Flink version
- pom artifacts also use suffixed version
- pom artifacts use correct Flink version

On 03/11/2022 22:08, Chesnay Schepler wrote:
I updated the source release on dist.apache.org.

On 03/11/2022 22:03, Chesnay Schepler wrote:
Good findings!

I thought the new scripts ensured a pristine source release, will
look into that tomorrow.

CI passed for the RC so I'd currently assume it's a local issue. But
I remember seeing that particular error message on CI once in a
The archunit stored.rules files should not have a copyright header
they are generated files.

I did not intend to release a 3.0.0-1.15 version, because we're
basing this release on a 1.16 codebase.

I'm not canceling the RC yet; instead I'll just rebuild the source

On 03/11/2022 21:25, Danny Cranmer wrote:
Hello Chesnay,

-1 (binding)

I do not approve the release due to the source release [1]
binaries, the full /target folder is present for each module.
Assuming we
missed a "mvn clean"

Other concerns/questions:
- I performed a fresh clone of the source and checked out the tag.
build failed due to ElasticsearchWriterITCase. This could be due to
local setup, although I ran the same test from Mac laptop and Linux
EC2 box
with the same results.
    -   [ERROR]   ElasticsearchWriterITCase ยป ContainerLaunch
startup failed
- The following file does not have a copyright header, but this
might be
ok, I am not too familiar with these files
- I was expecting to see a 3.0.0-1.15 too. Did I misinterpret this,
or is
1.15 support for elastsearch remaining exclusively in the v1.15

Otherwise, these things look good to me:
- Verified signature of source archive
- Source code tag exists
- pom versions look correct in the source release
- README is ok
- The staging repository [2] contains expected jars and poms
- Maven artifact check
    - flink-connector-elasticsearch-base jar/javadoc jar/sources
jar/test jar
      - LICENSE/NOTICE files look good
      - Contents look ok
    - flink-sql-connector-elasticsearch6-3.0.0-1.16 jar/sources jar
      - LICENSE/NOTICE look good
      - Contents look ok




On Thu, Nov 3, 2022 at 12:36 PM Chesnay Schepler
<ches...@apache.org> wrote:

Note that this _shouldn't_ be a problem since connector-base is
part of
the distribution and should usually be loaded first than the
bundled by the connector.

On 03/11/2022 11:28, Chesnay Schepler wrote:
* rely on binary compatibility between Flink /*patch */versions

On 03/11/2022 11:25, Chesnay Schepler wrote:
I've stumbled in an issue regarding flink-connector-base.

Since the externalized connectors rely on binary compatibility
between Flink minor versions, connector-base should never be
by an externalized connector since connector-base may rely on
internal APIs (which ti is allowed to use because it's released
part of Flink).
Unfortunately the externalized ES connector bundles
(because that's what the 1.16.0 version did).

On 03/11/2022 09:22, Chesnay Schepler wrote:
Hi everyone,
Please review and vote on the release candidate #2 for the
3.0.0, as follows:
[ ] +1, Approve the release
[ ] -1, Do not approve the release (please provide specific

The complete staging area is available for your review, which
* JIRA release notes [1],
* the official Apache source release to be deployed to
dist.apache.org [2], which are signed with the key with
C2EED7B111D464BA [3],
* all artifacts to be deployed to the Maven Central Repository
* source code tag [5],
* website pull request listing the new release [6].

The vote will be open for at least 72 hours. It is adopted by
majority approval, with at least 3 PMC affirmative votes.

Note: This is the first release of an externalized connector,
relying on a new set of scripts. Double-check _everything_.

Release Manager


[3] https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/flink/KEYS


[6] https://github.com/apache/flink-web/pull/579

Best regards,

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