The DataWorks Summit EU 2017 (including Hadoop Summit) is going to be in Munich 
April 5-6 2017.  I’ve pasted the text from the CFP below.  

Would you like to share your knowledge with the best and brightest in the data 
community? If so, we encourage you to submit an abstract for DataWorks Summit 
with Hadoop Summit being held on April 5-6, 2017 at The ICM – International 
Congress Center Munich. 

DataWorks Summit with Hadoop Summit is the premier event for business and 
technical audiences who want to learn how data is transforming business and the 
underlying technologies that are driving that change. 

Our 2017 tracks include: 
·         Applications
·         Enterprise Adoption
·         Data Processing & Warehousing
·         Apache Hadoop Core Internals
·         Governance & Security
·         IoT & Streaming
·         Cloud & Operations
·         Apache Spark & Data Science
For questions or additional information, please contact Joshua Woodward. 

Deadline: Friday, November 11, 2017.
Submission Link:


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