On 2011-04-13 David Crossley <cross...@apache.org> said:

> Vicent Mas wrote:
> > I've updated my local repo and checked that the 'starts-with' attribute
> > stuff of motd is not available with dispatcher. I've customised the
> > content-motd- page.contract.xml that comes with dispatcher adding some
> > 'starts-with' stuff. I've used
> > $FORREST_HOME/main/webapp/skins/pelt/xslt/html/site-to-xhtml.xsl as a
> > guide (not sure if it is the best choice but it has been good enough for
> > me). Now the motd contract works as I want.
> > 
> > So again thanks for your help,
> Yes the "pelt" skin is the one that the Forrest project
> keeps up-to-date. It is what the Forrest project website uses.
> http://forrest.apache.org/docs/dev/status-themes.html
> So that is the correct one to base your work upon.
> Are you able to provide a patch for Dispatcher?
> -David


I've attached the patch to this mail. You can apply it from the FORREST_HOME 
like this:

$ patch -p0 <content-motd-page-contract.diff

Please, note that I've not tried to port all motd functionality from 
$FORREST_HOME/main/webapp/skins/pelt/xslt/html/site-to-xhtml.xsl to the 
dispatcher contract. I've just picked what I needed to achieve my goal.

That being said, If the patch is fine with you I can attach it to an issue at 

Hope it helps,


        Share what you know, learn what you don't

--- whiteboard/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.internal.dispatcher/themer/themes/common/html/content-motd-page.contract.xml	2011-02-19 18:44:54.000000000 +0100
+++ whiteboard/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.internal.dispatcher/themer/themes/common/html/my-content-motd-page.contract.xml	2011-04-14 18:03:33.000000000 +0200
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@
     <br />Each option will match a pattern and apply its text. The "pattern"
     attribute specifies the pattern to be matched. This can be a specific page,
     or a general pattern to match a set of pages, e.g. everything in the
-    "samples" directory.</p>
+    "samples" directory.
+    <br />The @starts-with=true anchors the string to the start, otherwise contains.</p>
     <p>motd-title : 
     <br />This text will be added in brackets after the
     &lt;html&gt;&lt;title&gt; and this can be empty.</p>
@@ -44,10 +45,11 @@
     <![CDATA[<forrest:contract name="content-motd-page">
   <forrest:property name="content-motd-page">
-      <motd-option pattern="samples/sample.html">
+      <motd-option pattern="index.html" starts-with="true">
-        <motd-page location="both">
-          This is an example of a Message of the day (MOTD).
+        <motd-page location="page">
+          This is an example of a Message of the day (MOTD) that will be displayed
+          only in the main index page.
@@ -76,6 +78,15 @@
             <xsl:comment>+ |start content-motd-page +</xsl:comment>
             <xsl:if test="$content-motd-page/motd">
               <xsl:for-each select="$content-motd-page/motd/motd-option">
+                <xsl:choose>
+                  <xsl:when test="@starts-with='true'">
+                    <xsl:if test="starts-with($path, @pattern)">
+                        <div class="motd-area">
+                          <xsl:value-of select="motd-page"/>
+                        </div>
+                    </xsl:if>
+                  </xsl:when>
+                <xsl:otherwise>
                 <xsl:if test="contains($path, @pattern)">
                   <div class="motd-area">
                     <xsl:value-of select="motd-page" />
@@ -95,6 +106,8 @@
+                </xsl:otherwise>
+              </xsl:choose>
             <xsl:comment>+ |end content-motd-page +</xsl:comment>

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