Greetings Apache Geode Community-

I am pleased to announce the release of *Spring Session Data Geode*
2.0.0.RC1.  More details can be found in the official release announcement
at [1].

Since 2.0.0.M2, *Spring Session* for Apache Geode supports PDX
serialization of the HTTP session state.

In this release, I have added a new sample [2] that demonstrates how
to use *Spring
Framework* "*session*" and "*request*" scoped proxy beans [3] when *Spring
Session* is used to manage your HttpSession, and how that behaves
accordingly.  This sample was based on a question [4] from *StackOverflow*.

Finally, if you have not seen my recent blog post on the "*differences
between Spring Data Geode and **Spring Data GemFire" [5]*, be sure to check
it out.  The same principles apply equally to *Spring Session* for Apache
Geode and *Spring Session* for Pivotal GemFire as well!

Feedback welcomed.

Happy coding!



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