I've seen several instances in Geode code where someone has modified a class or interface to make an object Serializable in order to make distributed unit testing easier.

In all of these instances people have made a class implement DataSerializable, which extends Serializable.  This allowed them to pass these objects from one JVM to another in distributed tests:

   final RegionAttributes attr = new RegionAttributesFactory().create();

   vm.invoke(() -> { do something with attr });

That "invoke" is an RMI call that is going to java-serialize "attr".  It's not going to use DataSerializable serialization and invoke toData/fromData methods.  RegionAttributesImpl has plenty of instance variables that aren't serializable when they're not null, so it's just by luck that this worked at all.

Instead of changing a Geode class like that you should create the attributes object in the target JVM:

   vm.invoke(() -> {

        RegionAttributes attr = new RegionAttributesFactory().create();

        do something with attr


Use of java serialization with classes that are DataSerializable is an iffy practice.  Let's stop doing it.

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