Hello Susan,
Thanks very much for your email this morning. I appreciate your comments about the Public Relations Committee and our apologies about not reaching out to you earlier about this community building event. I had sent an email to the PRC prior to our similar event held at JavaOne, but should have done so with this event as well.

As with JavaOne, this is a community based event with a number of different sponsors intended to generate awareness and increase adoption of Apache Geronimo. We are thrilled to work with the Public Relations Committee on this event ans all future events.

If you have any time available either today or perhaps Monday, It would be great we schedule a quick call with myself and our VP of Alliances, Phil Robinson, to discuss this event and the best way for us to communicate with you and help promote the Geronimo community moving forward.

Kristin Lukos

Kristin Lukos
Marketing Manager
Virtuas Open Source Solutions, LLC
1200 17th Street, Suite 640
Denver, CO 80202
p.303.260.7300 x706
Susan Wu wrote:

Hi Kristin:

I was recently forwarded your announcement about the Apache Geronimo event you're hosting at OSCON. The Public Relations Committee at the ASF is excited that there are vendors showing a strong interest in working with and promoting Geronimo. We strongly encourage you to work with the ASF in your promotional activities where it relates to Apache projects. There is a dedicated committee (the Public Relations Committee, or PRC) here that is exclusively focused on Apache branding, marketing, and partnership activities.

We, the ASF, and Geronimo in particular, will also have a booth at OSCON. It seems like we should be coordinating efforts! From what I understand, Geronimo will have a couple of people present who will be staffing the booth. Perhaps there are resources you can allocate as well.
I'd be very interested in speaking with you about this.


Apache Public Relations Committee

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