Our official release process docs

http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/GMOxPMGT/Release+Branching +Process

were mostly written before the maven-release-plugin worked at all and before we had much of the current variety of projects. Despite the maven-release-plugins warts it's still far better than doing everything by hand.

I would like our docs to be a slight modification of


so as to be specifically relevant to geronimo projects.

The specific explicit policy change I'd like to see:

-- NO BRANCHES unless absolutely necessary. At this point we probably still need branches for the main server, but I don't think we do for anything else, including xbean, specs, components, plugins, gshell, genesis etc etc. I think the current documented process of automatically creating a branch before releasing only serves to create confusion for most of these projects.


Is there anything we can't release with the release plugin? ( I expect it would be the main server, but has anyone tried?)

I'm willing to copy the maven page to our wiki and attempt to update it for geronimo and use it to release the roller plugin, but it might be even better if someone who has actually used the release plugin did the doc update. Any volunteers?

I'd like to get this resolved soon so we can use this for the roller plugin release.

david jencks

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