I started to take a performance look at the difference between 2.0.2 and 2.1. Here is a sniff at the startup time differences. There is a slight degredation of about 1/2 a second in OpenEJB but that appears to be related to some additional logging. Perhaps this can be disabled before we cut 2.1. I'll do some performance tests later tonight and tomorrow.

Here are the stats http://people.apache.org/~hogstrom/2.1-timings

Geronimo 2.0.2 Startup Time was 8.574 seconds with no applications installed Geronimo 2.1 Startup Time was 9.053 seconds with no applications installed.

There were several INFO messages displayed during startup in OpenEJB that might be causing the regression. OpenEJB's startup went from 2.841s to 3.278s in 2.0.2 to 2.1 which accounts for almost all the increased startup times.

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