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From: Vamsavardhana Reddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 12:14 AM
Subject: Re: Tuscany Geronimo integration and the SCA JEE spec

On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 12:32 AM, David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Is there an overview of how the existing TGP works, preferably
> comprehensible from a geronimo-centric viewpoint?
The current plugin has a deployer for sca-contribution jars and an
EmbeddedSCADomainGBean that wraps
org.apache.tuscany.sca.host.embedded.impl.EmbeddedSCADomain.  The deployer
places the sca-contibution jar under the repository and adds an
EmbeddedRuntimeGBean to the configuration.  When the configuration is
started, the EmbeddedRuntimeGBean deploys the sca-contribution into
EmbeddedSCADomain.  The plugin has servlet-host implementations for
Geronimo-Tomcat and Geronimo-Jetty so that the services exposed with
webservice binding use the webcontainer in Geronimo. Proxies to SCA services
are obtained through the SCADomain made available by the

> On Oct 3, 2008, at 2:57 AM, ant elder wrote:
> I'd like to start spending more time actively working on the Tuscany
> Geronimo integration and having that more support the SCA JEE specification
> (see: [1]). Here is a rough outline of what i'd like to do:
> The goal of this would be to use Geronimo and Tuscany to create an
> SCA-enabled Java EE runtime, which from the SCA JEE specification means "a
> Java EE runtime that supports deployment and execution of SCA-enhanced Java
> EE applications as well as SCA-enhanced Java EE modules."
> We already have a start of that with the old Tuscany Geronimo Plugin [2]
> and there's another wiki page thats started to be used to capture some
> requirements at [3]. Currently the old TGP has got out of date and doesn't
> work with any current releases of Geronimo or Tuscany so the first thing to
> do is to get a basic plugin going again and then gradually add functionality
> to it so it does things like:
> - adds all Tuscany jars and their dependencys into Geronimo
> If you build this stuff as a geronimo plugin using the geronimo maven2
> car-maven-plugin the maven dependencies will turn into geronimo plugin
> dependencies and get installed automatically when you install the TGP into a
> geronimo server.  I don't think this was really working when the original
> TGP was written.
The current TGP is built using car-maven-plugin.

> - supports existing Tuscany webapps without needing to include any Tuscany
> jars or dependencys in the lib directory
> Keep in mind I know nothing about tuscany :-)
> You may find it valuable to set up a "tuscany classloader" geronimo plugin
> that has all the tuscany jars in it, and has appropriate parents for stuff
> it needs like jee specs or jaxb.  Then any app can use this as a parent
> classloader and get all the tuscany stuff at once, and all apps will be
> using tuscany classes from the same classloader.
This seems to be a good idea.

> - supports simple jar contributions into a Tuscany standalone node
> - supports Tuscany using Geronimo infrastructure for things such as HTTP
> and JMS hosts
> - supports for SCA enabled JEE application local assembly
> - supports SCA wiring across JEE applications and modules
> These sound cool, wish I knew what they meant :-)
> thanks
> david jencks
> Thats a high level and incomplete list, it is in a rough order of when
> things get done and some of the items may not be needed in the log term but
> are just stepping stones to the later items. There's been lots of off list
> discussion about this so i'd like to try to move that all to the mailing
> lists from now so everyone can participate and can see whats going on. I'd
> like to try to break the work down into several milestones with actual
> releases that we can ask users in both Tuscany and Geronimo to try out as we
> go along to get feedback and also to try to promote some interest around SCA
> in JEE.
>    ...ant
> [1]
> http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/29127/sca-jee-1[1].1-spec-wd03.doc<http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/29127/sca-jee-1%5B1%5D.1-spec-wd03.doc>
> [2] http://cwiki.apache.org/TUSCANYWIKI/tuscany-geronimo-integration.html
> [3]
> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/TUSCANYWIKI/Java+EE+Integration

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