Two other build questions:
1) Should /pom.xml be referencing the old geronimo-spec-* JARs, or is this file only used by Maven 2? 2) Where are the OpenEJB 2.0 released files, since etc\ has openejb_version=2.0, but they could not be found on any of the listed Maven repos? Why are we still forcing people to checkout and build OpenEJB with Geronimo???


Donald Woods wrote:
I'm still seeing the failure with the 1.0 branch Rev356751 from this morning, using Maven 1.1Beta2 and a clean local maven repo and cache...

| configurations Server Configuration for the J2EE Server
| Memory: 29M/42M
DEPRECATED: the default goal should be specified in the <build> section of project.xml instead of maven.xml DEPRECATED: the default goal should be specified in the <build> section of project.xml instead of maven.xml


Attempting to download jaxr-api-0.5.jar.
28K downloaded
Attempting to download juddi-0.9rc4.jar.
727K downloaded
Attempting to download jdom-1.0.jar.
149K downloaded

    [echo] Running car:install for Server Configuration for the J2EE Server
4136 [main] ERROR org.apache.geronimo.plugin.packaging.PackageBuilder - org.apache.geronimo.common.DeploymentException: org.apache.geronimo.kernel.repository.MissingDependencyException: uri geronimo/geronimo-util/1.0-SNAPSHOT/jar not found in repository org.apache.geronimo.common.DeploymentException: org.apache.geronimo.kernel.repository.MissingDependencyException: uri geronimo/geronimo-util/1.0-SNAPSHOT/jar not found in repository at org.apache.geronimo.deployment.service.ServiceConfigBuilder.getDependencyURI( at org.apache.geronimo.deployment.service.ServiceConfigBuilder.addDependencies( at org.apache.geronimo.deployment.service.ServiceConfigBuilder.addDependencies( at org.apache.geronimo.deployment.service.ServiceConfigBuilder.buildConfiguration( at org.apache.geronimo.deployment.service.ServiceConfigBuilder.buildConfiguration( at org.apache.geronimo.deployment.service.ServiceConfigBuilder$$FastClassByCGLIB$$9f173be6.invoke(<generated>)
    at net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod.invoke(

Any ideas?


Bill Stoddard wrote:

David Jencks wrote:

We may have done a bad thing by not hiding the test upload of released spec jars better. The first upload of the spec uberjar was faulty and did not contain the javamail classes. You might have downloaded this jar. To fix the problem you need to remove your maven org.apache.geronimo.specs directory.

Yep, that fixed it. Thanks.


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