I'm seeing some serious problems accessing svn right now, and unfortunately, I think this might have messed some things up. I was using the release plugin to create a branch from the 2.2 tag, and received the following error while attempting to create the branch version from the modified tag version:

svn: PROPFIND of '/repos/asf/!svn/bc/953750/geronimo/server/tags/geronimo-2.2/pl ugins/connector': SSL negotiation failed: SSL error: parse tlsext (https://svn.a
svn: Error reading spooled REPORT request response

This killed the mvn command, which means the tag version has been altered and not restored. Things are stuck in an intermediate state. I've been attempting to revert the changes to the tag version, but every time I attempt the merge to back out the revision, I get the same error as above at different locations in the process. Unfortunately, I need to leave here very shortly and will be away for the weekend. If anybody has the knowledge and time to try to fix this, that would be great. Otherwise, I'll try to fix this on Monday. The revision that needs reverting is r953750.


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