I think you're forgetting someone pretty darn important.... ;)

Jeff, the project and users owe you a big thanks for your leadership in bringing Geronimo and Tomcat together and getting that stack to certify. Every single release we've ever announced to date has received the exact same question... "Why aren't you guys using Tomcat?? You know, the *Apache* servlet container?!!" We always said, "We'd love to have a Tomcat integration, wanna help?" Here we are, two years into the project, and for the first time we'll be able to say something much better about our Tomcat support on this release...

"Blame, Jeff"

Thanks for all the 3am week nights and all day weekends over the last six+ months. You are a real stand-up guy.

Our gratitude,
The Geronimo Community

On Oct 4, 2005, at 5:50 AM, Jeff Genender wrote:

With great pleasure the Apache Geronimo Team would like to announce the official release of Milestone 5 (M5) of Apache Geronimo. The release is available at:


Significant Changes Since the M4 Release
 * Complete Tomcat integration (YAY!)
* Configuration of ports, hosts, and most other attributes without rebuilding the server
 * A web management console (developer preview)
 * Official J2EE Certification (as soon as paper work is filed)

Special Thanks
* Thanks to the community for all of their input and patches to help get us to where we are at.

* Aaron Mulder for all his work on console to get it in a usable state.

* The ActiveMQ guys for helping out with the bugs and burning the midnight oil to help get the release out in a timely fashion.

 * Dims for getting the patches into Axis.

 * Gianni for fixing up TranQL and CMP issues

* A BIG HUGE thanks for David Blevins and David Jencks for working with me into the wee-hours of the night, testing and getting Geronimo to pass the TCK tests for both the Jetty *and* Tomcat containers. These guys really stepped up and didn't leave me hanging with Tomcat issues for my lonesome ;-)

* Everyone else on the team who contributed and worked crazy hours to get this release out. (If your name was not mentioned...this means you).

Full release notes are available here:


Jeff Genender

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