Hello Daniel

I was able to reproduce this error. I am still not sure if it is my setup
that is causing this error. I have attached my code files as a zip file

My class loader code is this. Notice that I overload the loadClass method
and if I hit a class not found exception, I try to parse the class through
a second parseClass method.

The problem I see is this. I am importing another class (Pojo) from the
first groovy file. So when I compile the first file, internally it tries to
resolve Pojo and tries to compile the second file. Which is where it hits
the getAndPut call in sourceCache.

This works in 2.5 because it is using a concurrentcommoncache for
sourceCache, whereas 3.0.5 is using a StampedCommonCache which does not
allow recursion on getAndPut. The logs I see in my console show I am
attempting to load the top most class and its import class one after the
other. My unit test is also added towards the end of this file

public class MyClassLoader extends GroovyClassLoader {

    private FlowRepository repository;

    private CompilerConfiguration configuration;

    public MyClassLoader(ClassLoader parentClassLoader,
CompilerConfiguration configuration, FlowRepository repository) {
        super(parentClassLoader, configuration);
        this.repository = repository;

    public Class loadClass(
            String name,
            boolean lookupScriptFiles,
            boolean preferClassOverScript,
            boolean resolve
    ) throws ClassNotFoundException, CompilationFailedException {

        try {
            // Never try to load from script files, always parse from repository
            return super.loadClass(name, false, true, resolve);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            // Try fetching it from the repository
            return parseFromRepository(name);

     * Parse [name] from the flow repository and cache it
    private Class parseFromRepository(String name) throws
UnsupportedOperationException, ClassNotFoundException {

        // Fetch flow source
        Flow flow = repository.fetchFlow(name);
        if (flow == null)
            throw new ClassNotFoundException("Unable to find flow $name");

        // Parse the class if found
        try {

            System.out.println("Loading class " + flow.sourceCode.getName());

            // If parseClass yields a class whose name does not match
(typically when we are trying to find an inner
            // class (A.B) by parsing the outer class source file
(A.groovy), throw class not found. The compiler will
            // attempt to then find A$B which is how inner classes are
stored in the class loader. This find will
            // succeed (this process is repeated for inner classes
inside inner classes)
            super.parseClass(flow.sourceCode, true);

            System.out.println("Finished loading class " +

            // The class parsed may not be the class you are looking
for, but it may be an inner class, so
            // use the cache to get it
            Class cachedClass = super.getClassCacheEntry(name);
            if (cachedClass != null)
                return cachedClass;
                throw new ClassNotFoundException("Unable to find flow $name");
        } catch (CompilationFailedException e) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Compile error", e);

fun testMe() {
    val repository = FlowFolderRepository()
    val config = CompilerConfiguration().addCompilationCustomizers(
    val sandbox = MyClassLoader(this::class.java.classLoader, config,

    // Load all flows in the repository
    for (flow in repository.fetchAllFlows()) {

        // Make sure class is not already loaded in the parent class
loader. This is usually a Config file error
        try {
            throw ConfigQualityException("${flow.name} is already
loaded and cannot be recompiled.")
        } catch (e: ClassNotFoundException) {

        // Load the class


On Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 10:11 AM Daniel Sun <sun...@apache.org> wrote:

> Could you provide a standalone runnable script to reproduce the issue?
> BTW, the script is expected to be written in Groovy/Java.
> Cheers,
> Daniel Sun
> On 2020/08/08 13:19:01, Saravanan Palanichamy <chava...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > I have an extension of GroovyClassLoader that I use as follows
> >
> > a) I override loadClass to make sure I decide where to load from
> > b) I first call loadClass on my parent class loader to make sure the
> class is not loaded there (I assert if it is. This code is not shown below)
> > c) I then call loadClass after turning off all script loading on
> myclassloader to make sure this class is not already loaded. If it is, I
> just use that
> > d) If I get a class not found exception, I know this class is not
> already loaded and so I look up a local repository to fetch a string based
> script and call parseClass (I do all of this in the context of loadClass)
> >
> > This used to work with 2.5.x but when I upgrade to 3.0.5, it sits in a
> blocked state (not sure if it is blocked on some mutex because of a
> recursion some where). When I use my debugger , when it gets to this state,
> I am not able to read any of my variable values in the debugger (which
> seems to indicate some threading read lock somewhere)
> >
> > Question :- Am I doing this the right way? Why does it block and not
> load the class? It locks up in the parseClass invocation (inside a validate
> call that validates the sourceCode object
> >
> > My code looks like this
> >
> > class MyClassLoader constructor(
> >     private val repository: FlowsRepository,
> >     private val configuration: CompilerConfiguration,
> >     parentClassLoader: ClassLoader
> > ) : GroovyClassLoader(parentClassLoader, configuration) {
> >
> >     /** Load class [name] either from repository or class path */
> >     override fun loadClass(
> >         name: String,
> >         lookupScriptFiles: Boolean,
> >         preferClassOverScript: Boolean,
> >         resolve: Boolean
> >     ): Class<*> {
> >         return try {
> >             // Never try to load from script files, always parse from
> repository
> >             super.loadClass(name, false, true, resolve)
> >         } catch (e: ClassNotFoundException) {
> >             // Try fetching it from the repository
> >             parseFromRepository(name)
> >         }
> >     }
> >
> >     /** Parse [name] from the flow repository and cache it */
> >     private fun parseFromRepository(name: String): Class<*> {
> >
> >         // Fetch flow source
> >         val flow = repository.fetchFlow(name) ?: throw
> ClassNotFoundException("Unable to find flow $name")
> >
> >         // Parse the class if found
> >         try {
> >             // If parseClass yields a class whose name does not match
> (typically when we are trying to find an inner
> >             // class (A.B) by parsing the outer class source file
> (A.groovy), throw class not found. The compiler will
> >             // attempt to then find A$B which is how inner classes are
> stored in the class loader. This find will
> >             // succeed (this process is repeated for inner classes
> inside inner classes)
> >             super.parseClass(flow.sourceCode, true)
> >
> >             // The class parsed may not be the class you are looking
> for, but it may be an inner class, so
> >             // use the cache to get it
> >             return getClassCacheEntry(name) ?: throw
> ClassNotFoundException("Unable to find flow $name")
> >         } catch (e: CompilationFailedException) {
> >             throw CodeQualityException("Compile error", e)
> >         }
> >     }
> > }
> >

Attachment: ClassLoad.tgz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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