From: Pulkit Chawla <>
Date: Thursday, 15 April 2021 at 5:12 AM
To: <>
Subject: Building hbase 2.2.6 with Hadoop 3.1.2
I am trying to build and test hbase-2.2.6 with my prebuilt Hadoop-3.1.2.

For that, I used the following arguments with maven::

Mvn package -Dhadoop-three.version=3.1.2 -Dhadoop-two.version=3.1.2 -Phadoop-3.0

Since I want to only use my prebuilt hadoop3.1.2, I am giving 
-Dhadoop-two.version=3.1.2, so that for dependencies it would not try to pick 
anything from Hadoop-2.8.5 (which is the default hadoop2 version in pom) and 
use only 3.1.2 one .

Problem is unit tests are failing at hbase-mapreduce module. Do hbase-mapreduce 
module has a hard dependency on hadoop2??
If not how can I make it work with only hadoop3.1.2 ??

It would really help a lot if anyone can answer my query.

Thanks and regards,

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