Yay, our first clean continuous integration test run in ages!

There are still some known sporadic failures due to the System.exit race 
condition mentioned in HIVE-1872.

>From here on, when committing new patches, if you hit an exception during 
>testing, please don't commit until you've made sure that it's a known sporadic 
>failure.  If it's anything else (e.g. a problem with your build/test 
>environment), please clean that up first before proceeding.  Once breakage 
>gets checked in, it's very difficult to stop new ones from creeping in since 
>everyone stops trusting the test results.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Apache Hudson Server <hud...@hudson.apache.org>
> Date: March 7, 2011 3:16:58 PM PST
> To: <dev@hive.apache.org>, <cwsteinb...@gmail.com>, <jsi...@gmail.com>, 
> <nzh...@facebook.com>, <jsensa...@gmail.com>, <py...@facebook.com>, 
> <heyongqiang...@gmail.com>, <namit_j...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Jenkins build is back to normal : Hive-trunk-h0.20 #598
> Reply-To: <dev@hive.apache.org>
> See <https://hudson.apache.org/hudson/job/Hive-trunk-h0.20/598/changes>

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