Does Hive support data encryption?

2021-03-02 Thread qq
Hello??         Does Hive support data encryption? Thank you

What are the new features of Hive3?

2020-11-20 Thread qq
Hello?? What are the new features of Hive3? Thank you

KDC can't fufill requested option while renewing credentials

2020-11-12 Thread qq
Hello The Hive MetaStore log shows the following error: 2020-11-13T11:11:41,014  WARN [TGT Renewer for metastore/] security.UserGroupInformation: Exception encountered while running the renewal command for metastore/ (TGT end time:1605237821000, renewalFailures: 0

What is the difference between varname and hivename in

2020-11-10 Thread qq
What is the difference between varname and hivename in the picture below?

Fw:How is the Hive MetaStore authenticated for accessing HDFS?

2020-11-10 Thread qq
-- Original -- From: "user" <>; Date: Tue, Nov

Does Hive need to rely on Hadoop to deploy remote MetStore?

2020-11-04 Thread qq
Hey, Does Hive need to rely on Hadoop to deploy remote MetStore? Thank you,

?????? org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException:Invalid status -128

2020-10-29 Thread qq
When Hive MetaStore enables Kerberos authentication, what configuration needs to be set in the Client? --  -- ??: "dev"

org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException:Invalid status -128

2020-10-29 Thread qq
The following error occurred when starting Hive using: Additional information: Hive MetaStore is remote MetaStore. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

How to set the Kerberos mode of HIve MetaStore?

2020-10-29 Thread qq
hi!     How to set the Kerberos mode of HIve MetaStore?

What is the latest version of JDK supported by hive 3.1.2?

2020-09-18 Thread qq
Hello:       What is the latest version of JDK supported by hive 3.1.2?        thinks.  I am looking forward to your reply??

How to download the jar dependent on hive source code?

2020-05-16 Thread qq
Hello:       How to download the jar dependent on hive source code?       thinks. I am looking forward to your reply??

java.lang.IllegalAccessError:tried to access method com.goole.common.collect.Iterators.empty()Lcom/google/commmon/collect/UnmodifiableIterator;from class org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.FetchOperator

2020-05-08 Thread qq
Hello:       The version of hive is 2.3.3, and the version of Hadoop is 3.2.1.  When I execute show tables on the command line of hive beeline, the following error occurs: Error message in picture How can I solve it?        thinks.  I am looking forward to your reply??  

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Hive HA??

2020-01-19 Thread qq
Hello:       What are the advantages and disadvantages of Hive HA??  thinks.  I am looking forward to your reply??

Why Hive uses MetaStore??

2020-01-15 Thread qq
Hello:       Why Hive uses MetaStore??Is there a related JIRA?        thinks.  I am looking forward to your reply??

How to build Hive HA??

2020-01-02 Thread qq
    hi!     Recently working on Hive HA related projects, I want to know how Hive implements HA, and what are the new features of Hive HA. Do you have any good solutions to draw on?     thinks.     I am looking forward to your reply??

What is the background of Hive MetaStore?

2019-11-27 Thread qq
Hello:       What is the background of Hive MetaStore? Why use MetaStore?        thinks.  I am looking forward to your reply??

What is the background introduced by Hive MetaStore?

2019-11-16 Thread qq
Hello:       What is the background introduced by Hive MetaStore? Why use MetaStore?        thinks.  I am looking forward to your reply??

What is the Hive HA processing mechanism?

2019-11-15 Thread qq
Hello:       What is the Hive HA processing mechanism?        thinks. I am looking forward to your reply??