On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 1:40 AM, Sergey Chernyshev
<sergey.chernys...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Wouldn't you agree that deflate has all reasons to be on a default
> configuration?

Again, I don't agree. I think it should be configured.

> I checked and it seems that http://httpd.apache.org/ is using gzip
> compression - why you think other people (with less control over their
> servers) shouldn't get it by default?!

Our infrastructure has configured it, just like everyone else can.

If you're forbidden from enabling mod_deflate, it's probably for a
good reason (CPU, support)

> Same is true for Expires as well:
> - Yahoo: http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html#expires

Smartly considering your content expiration is wise, having the
default conf guess is unwise.

> Here's my article explaining why expiration is solving "caching problem"
> people are having and helps load static content once without re-requesting
> it from the server waisting connections for pointless 304s:
>> Setting infinite Expires headers is a great solution to the problem

I know what the headers do, I disagree that httpd should send them
with arbitrary values by default.

> There are numerous books written about performance and all of them talk
> about these two aspects in one way or another.

That should help people make smart decisions, but these are not
exactly obscure topics.

> BTW, I always build Apaches from the source and before writing to the list,
> I downloaded the latest versions and checked - none of the three modules I
> mentioned are enabled by default in the default build configuration file. If
> I'm wrong, just let me know and I'll go and celebrate ;)

No clue here about starting with a "default build configuration file"
-- maybe you're starting with "httpd.spec". When you ask for deflate
or expires and build from source, they end up loaded in the generated

Eric Covener

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