Hey everyone,

I don't like to bother mailing lists with beginner questions so I spent
a few hours on Google looking for info and tutorials. I'm sure at least one
of you has had that experience :) Anyway, I have finished my first module
and it works exactly how I want it to.  I still have more features I want to
add but I'm a little rusty with my C and even worse at Apache Modules. Would
you mind taking a glance at my code to see if I'm doing anything wrong or
have any memory leaks or anything?

Here's the source code:

Feel free to fork my project:

The README file (
https://github.com/chrislondon/Dynamic-Stylesheets/blob/master/README) contains
usage info and the project contains a simple test case.

Thanks everyone!

Chris London
CTO - Kwista, LLC.

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