Hi to all.

I would like to draw your attention to a new patch for OpenSSL which will 
ultimately mean that Apache needs to treat dual EC-RSA certificate 
configurations with server info (currently used only for TLS extension of 
certificate transparency) differently than until now. Specifically, the patches 
are https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/914 and 

They originated from research involving my Apache server configuration (2.4.20 
on Ubuntu 16.04, not Apache trunk) and Castaglia's coding of patches.

The Apache/OpenSSL bug is described fully here: 
http://serverfault.com/questions/758482/apache-extension-error (the software I 
used when I published this Serverfault thread was a bit older than now, but the 
problem still persists). In particular, see the comment of Castaglia on their 
answer to the thread for possible new Apache idea of implementation.

Maybe the following would be a good approach: After the first 
certificate-private key pair, accept a ServerInfo Openssl configuration 
directive which would call SSL_CTX_use_serverinfo_file for that certificate. 
Then the configuration goes on with the second certificate-private key pair and 
after that, the second serverinfo file location via Openssl configuration 
directive (if applicable, that is if the server has dual certificate 
configuration). So, Apache would need to process each pair and then, if it 
finds directly below it a serverinfo, call SSL_CTX_use_serverinfo_file for THAT 
certificate. When a new certificate-key pair is registered, the 
SSL_CTX_use_serverinfo_file would be called again but for the last certificate 

And a last thing: Let's not only implement this for 2.5 trunk, but as a patch 
for 2.4, eg 2.4.21.


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