David McCreedy wrote:
> I agree with this approach.
> I've confirmed that TPF's strtol function returns an errno of ERANGE.
> I don't know if OS390's and BS2000's compilers do as well.

The strtol() of the BS2000 also returns ERANGE (2).

> Jim has updated ap_strtol.c with an explicit warning:  "... this will break
> on EBCDIC machines if base is >19."
> And since Apache itself only does base 10 and base 16 I'm not going to do a
> last minute patch for TPF/EBCDIC.
> It's not worth the risk of complicating or breaking the T+R of 1.3.25.
> -David
>                       Jim Jagielski                                                  
>                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>(Justin Erenkrantz)                                    
>                                                cc:       [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         
>                       06/17/2002 09:14         Subject:  Re: cvs commit: 
>apache-1.3/src/ap ap_strtol.c Makefile.tmpl                   
>                       PM                                                             
>                       Please respond to                                              
>                       dev                                                            
> +1
> Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
>>On Mon, Jun 17, 2002 at 11:06:30PM -0400, Jim Jagielski wrote:
>>>With 2.0, we are lucky because we require not only an ANSI compiler
>>>but also the full ANSI function suite. That's never been the case
>>>on 1.3. So, at least with 1.3, we can't assume that strtol() works
>>>as we require, since we don't require strict ANSI functionality.
>>>We could have done a NEED_STRTOL, but that would require more
>>>knowledge than we have right now, I'm afraid.
>>I guess my point was that we could use the system strtol() for
>>EBCDIC machines on 1.3 to handle this special case.  Since those
>>machines are typically confined to one particular compiler and
>>library, we can easily verify that those strtol() implementations
>>are correct.
>>#define ap_strtol strtol
>>...<whatever we have now based on the BSD code>...
>>Just a thought.  -- justin
> --
> ===========================================================================
>    Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]   http://www.jaguNET.com/
>       "A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order
>              will lose both and deserve neither" - T.Jefferson

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