Re: [VOTE] Release httpd-2.4.37

2018-10-19 Thread Apache Lounge

No issues seen/reported

Httpd 36/37 introduced the following build warnings:

modules\ssl\ssl_engine_init.c(926): warning C4003: not enough 
arguments for function-like macro invocation 'APLOGNO'

modules\ssl\ssl_engine_kernel.c(1128): warning C4003: not enough 
arguments for function-like macro invocation 'APLOGNO'
modules\ssl\ssl_engine_kernel.c(1147): warning C4003: not enough 
arguments for function-like macro invocation 'APLOGNO'

For you info warnings mod_ssl:

All warnings Win32:

..win32\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_init.c(926): warning C4003: 
not enough arguments for function-like macro invocation 'APLOGNO'
..win32\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_kernel.c(1128): warning 
C4003: not enough arguments for function-like macro invocation 
..win32\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_kernel.c(1147): warning 
C4003: not enough arguments for function-like macro invocation 
..win32\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_kernel.c(2605): warning 
C4018: '<': signed/unsigned mismatch

All warnings Win64

..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_config.c(551): warning C4267: 
'initializing': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of 
..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_config.c(639): warning C4267: 
'initializing': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of 
..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_init.c(258): warning C4267: 
'=': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_init.c(926): warning C4003: 
not enough arguments for function-like macro invocation 'APLOGNO'
..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_io.c(624): warning C4267: 
'function': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_io.c(630): warning C4267: 
'+=': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_io.c(673): warning C4267: 
'function': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_io.c(807): warning C4267: 
'function': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_io.c(829): warning C4267: 
'=': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_io.c(859): warning C4267: 
'function': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_io.c(1216): warning C4244: 
'function': conversion from '__int64' to 'unsigned int', possible loss 
of data
..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_io.c(1542): warning C4018: 
'<': signed/unsigned mismatch
..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_io.c(1560): warning C4267: 
'-=': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_io.c(1904): warning C4018: 
'>': signed/unsigned mismatch
..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_kernel.c(1128): warning 
C4003: not enough arguments for function-like macro invocation 
..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_kernel.c(1147): warning 
C4003: not enough arguments for function-like macro invocation 
..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_kernel.c(2605): warning 
C4018: '<': signed/unsigned mismatch
..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_log.c(128): warning C4267: 
'=': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_pphrase.c(478): warning 
C4267: '=': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_pphrase.c(570): warning 
C4267: '=': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_pphrase.c(609): warning 
C4267: '=': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_rand.c(154): warning C4267: 
'function': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_rand.c(162): warning C4267: 
'return': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_engine_vars.c(668): warning C4267: 
'=': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
..win64\httpd-2.4\modules\ssl\ssl_util_ssl.c(141): warning C4267: '=': 
conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data

On Thursday 18/10/2018 at 16:36, Daniel Ruggeri  wrote:

Hi, all;
   Please find below the proposed release tarball and signatures:

I would like to call a VOTE over the next few days to release this 
candidate tarball as 2.4.37:

[ ] +1: It's not just good, it's good enough!
[ ] +0: Let's have a talk.
[ ] -1: There's trouble in paradise. Here's what's wrong.

The computed digests of the tarball up for vote are:
sha1: b0521606d1df54bb425adcdecf6348f126aa352c *httpd-2.4.37.tar.gz

Daniel Ruggeri

Re: NOTICE: Intent to T&R 2.4.35 in the next few hours

2018-09-19 Thread Apache Lounge

Are there  examples what (maybe) does not work with OpenSSL 1.1.1 ?

Build 2.4.35 with OpenSSL 1.1.1, no issues seen/reported.

More then A week ago I ask already the community to test 2.4.34 with 
OpenSSL 1.1.1

also no issue reported.

Plan to ship 2.4.35 with OpenSSL1.1.1

With our announcement I put the note:

Apache 2.4.35 does not support yet TLSv1.3, expected in 2.4.36 

Note: says that the new 1.1.1 is binary and API/ABI compatible 
with OpenSSL 1.1.0.

I can confirm that sofar and also windows PHP-guys.

On Wednesday 19/09/2018 at 12:54, Joe Orton  wrote:

On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 11:19:10AM -0500, William A Rowe Jr wrote:

On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 2:43 AM Joe Orton  wrote:

You'll likely see issues testing against OpenSSL 1.1.1 until the 

merge is integrated for 2.4.x, yeah, I wouldn't worry about that.

But I think this is worth highlighting in our Announcement, that we 

strongly caution users to build 2.4.35 against OpenSSL 1.1.0. (And we
could tease the forthcoming 2.4 release as building against 1.1.1/TLS 

Good idea.  How about this, to insert after the "This release requires
the Apache Portable Runtime (APR)," paragraph?

This release is compatible with OpenSSL versions from 0.9.8a to
1.1.0 only, and does not support TLSv1.3.  Future releases of httpd 
are expected to add compatibility with OpenSSL 1.1.1 and enable 

for TLSv1.3.

Regards, Joe

Win run success tls 1.3 with Chrome

2018-07-27 Thread Apache Lounge

Maybe someone is interested.

With initial testing:

Chrome 68 with tls 1.3 draft 28 (setting in chrome://flags)
OpenSSL version 1.1.1-pre8
httpd-trunk revision 1836684

Chrome Output:
Connection - secure (strong TLS 1.3)

The connection to this site is encrypted and authenticated using TLS 
1.3 (a strong protocol),

X25519 (a strong key exchange), and AES_256_GCM (a strong cipher).

httpd config:
SSLHonorCipherOrder On

SSLProtocol -all +TLSv1.3
SSLCompression off
SSLSessionTickets off
(no SSLCipherSuite defined)

Access log :
localhost:443 HTTP/2.0 ::1 - - [27/Jul/2018:12:58:21 +0200] TLSv1.3 
TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 "GET /index.html HTTP/2.0" 200 320 "-" 
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, 
like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.75 Safari/537.36"



Win build success httpd-trunk

2018-07-26 Thread Apache Lounge

Build succeeded!

Build Output: 143 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped

Build Source Stamp: httpd-trunk revision 1836684

Build With: vcxproj Visual Studio Professional 2017 15.7.5

Build Reason: request in httpd dev email thread "re: Current trunk win 
build error"

Build with dependencies:

openssl 1.1.0h
nghttp2 1.32.0
jansson 2.11
curl 7.61.0
apr 1.6.3
apr-util 1.6.1
apr-iconv 1.2.2
zlib 1.2.11
brotli 1.0.5
pcre 8.42
libxml2 2.9.8
lua 5.2.4
expat 2.2.5

Passes initial tests trunk modules,  including:
session_crypto with openssl

Passes initial  tests third party modules:



Current trunk win build error

2018-07-23 Thread Apache Lounge

Error C2440 'initializing': cannot convert from 'proxy_worker 
*(__stdcall *)(proxy_balancer *,request_rec 
*,proxy_is_best_callback_fn_t (__cdecl *),void *)' to 
'apr_OFN_ap_proxy_balancer_get_best_worker_t (__cdecl *)'

mod_proxy c:\vc15\win32\httpd-trunk\modules\proxy\proxy_util.c 4082

Apache httpd 2.4.34-dev Win snapshot available.

2018-06-21 Thread Apache Lounge


Re: TLS 1.3 seems to OVERwork with httpd-trunk rev 1833619

2018-06-17 Thread Apache Lounge

Same behavior "read R BLOCK" twice  on Windows with trunk from today 

On Friday 15/06/2018 at 22:03, Dennis Clarke  wrote:

Thank you Yann Ylavic !

Sure enough no patch was needed and trunk compiles up neatly and just  

bit noisey about a few odd warnings ... nothing too interesting.

So then ... as I reported earlier I can get reasonable handshake and
TLSv1.3 traffic with cipher TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 from the Mozilla
test site.  Claims to be Draft 28 of TLS 1.3.

I can now do the exact same with httpd-trunk rev 1833619 and there is  
need to specify "-tls1_3" because nothing else is supported.  However  

get a double bounce ( for lack of a better work ) in the transitory
SSL_connect:SSL negotiation finished successfully state of the  

$ openssl s_client -connect
depth=2 O = Digital Signature Trust Co., CN = DST Root CA X3
verify return:1
depth=1 C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = Let's Encrypt Authority X3
verify return:1
depth=0 CN = *
verify return:1
Certificate chain
   0 s:CN = *
   i:C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = Let's Encrypt 
Authority X3

   1 s:C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = Let's Encrypt Authority X3
   i:O = Digital Signature Trust Co., CN = DST Root CA X3
Server certificate
subject=CN = *

issuer=C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = Let's Encrypt Authority X3

No client certificate CA names sent
Peer signing digest: SHA256
Peer signature type: RSA-PSS
Server Temp Key: X25519, 253 bits
SSL handshake has read 3281 bytes and written 400 bytes
Verification: OK
New, TLSv1.3, Cipher is TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Server public key is 2048 bit
Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
No ALPN negotiated
Early data was not sent
   Protocol  : TLSv1.3
   Cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384

   PSK identity: None
   PSK identity hint: None
   SRP username: None
   Start Time: 1529092107
   Timeout   : 7200 (sec)
   Verify return code: 0 (ok)
   Extended master secret: no
read R BLOCK
read R BLOCK
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2018 19:48:46 GMT
Server: Apache/2.5.1-dev (Unix) OpenSSL/1.1.1-pre7
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=7776000; includeSubdomains;
Last-Modified: Mon, 28 May 2018 19:03:30 GMT
ETag: "2b0-56d48c600191c"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 688
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html

""; >


   content="max-age=0,  must-revalidate">

   error code 400 bad request

error code 400 bad request ... that is all for now


So that looks great and the ssl_error_log claims all is happy.

Seems to issue "read R BLOCK" twice for some odd reason.

A closer look with "-state -debug" reveals that we get multiple
"SSL_connect:SSL negotiation finished successfully" before ever
accepting a GET/POST/FOO from the client.

New, TLSv1.3, Cipher is TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Server public key is 2048 bit
Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
No ALPN negotiated
Early data was not sent
   Protocol  : TLSv1.3
   Cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384

   PSK identity: None
   PSK identity hint: None
   SRP username: None
   Start Time: 1529092424
   Timeout   : 7200 (sec)
   Verify return code: 0 (ok)
   Extended master secret: no
read from 0x100851cd0 [0x100857983] (5 bytes => 5 (0x5))
 - 17 03 03 01 23#
read from 0x100851cd0 [0x100857988] (291 bytes => 291 (0x123))
 - 90 61 65 22 28 de ed 16-48 01 c4 c9 24 c4 95 c3

0110 - 02 57 51 bc d7 0d 2c 64-a3 9d db 21 cc 2e 7b 1c

0120 - a8 a7 ba   

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache httpd 2.4.11 as GA

2015-01-18 Thread Apache Lounge

No issues seen on Windows, good to go.



-Original Message- 
From: Jim Jagielski

Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2015 9:10 PM Newsgroups: gmane.comp.apache.devel
To: httpd
Subject: [VOTE] Release Apache httpd 2.4.11 as GA

The pre-release test tarballs for Apache httpd 2.4.11 can be found
at the usual place:

I'm calling a VOTE on releasing these as Apache httpd 2.4.11 GA.

[ ] +1: Good to go
[ ] +0: meh
[ ] -1: Danger Will Robinson. And why.

Vote will last the normal 72 hrs.

NOTE: The *-deps are only there for convenience.


Re: [VOTE] Release Apache httpd 2.4.10 as GA

2014-07-18 Thread Apache Lounge

Good to go Windows flavors at AL.

-Original Message- 
From: Jim Jagielski 
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 7:20 PM Newsgroups: gmane.comp.apache.devel 
To: httpd 
Subject: [VOTE] Release Apache httpd 2.4.10 as GA 

The pre-release test tarballs for Apache httpd 2.4.10 can be found
at the usual place:

I'm calling a VOTE on releasing these as Apache httpd 2.4.10 GA.

[ ] +1: Good to go
[ ] +0: meh
[ ] -1: Danger Will Robinson. And why.

Vote will last the normal 72 hrs.

NOTE: The *-deps are only there for convenience.

Re: Rethinking "be liberal in what you accept"

2012-11-08 Thread Apache Lounge

What about mod_security, has a lot of similar checks and even more.

-Original Message- 
From: Stefan Fritsch

Sent: Wednesday, November 7, 2012 12:26 Newsgroups: gmane.comp.apache.devel
Subject: Rethinking "be liberal in what you accept"


considering the current state of web security, the old principle of "be
liberal in what you accept" seems increasingly inadequate for web servers.
It causes lots of issues like response splitting, header injection, cross
site scripting, etc. The book "Tangled Web" by Michal Zalewski is a good
read on this topic, the chapter on HTTP is available for free download at .

Also, nowadays performance bottle necks are usually in other places than
request parsing. A few more cycles spent for additional checks won't make
much difference. Therefore, I think it would make sense to integrate some
sanity checks right into the httpd core. For a start, these would need to
be enabled in the configuration.

Examples for such checks [RFC 2616 sections in brackets]:

Request line:
- Don't interpret all kinds of junk as "HTTP/1.0" (like "HTTP/ab" or
  "FOO") [3.1]
- If a method is not registered, bail out early.
  This would prevent CGIs from answering requests to strange methods like
  "HELO" or "http://foo/bar";. This must be configurable or there must be
  at least a directive to easily register custom methods.  Otherwise, at
  least forbid strange characters in the method. [The method is a token,
  which should not contain control characters and separators; 2.2, 5.1]
- Forbid control characters in URL
- Forbid fragment parts in the URL (i.e. "#..." which should never be sent
  by the browser)
- Forbid special characters in the scheme part of absoluteURL requests,
  e.g. "<>"

Request headers:
- In Host header, only allow reasonable characters, i.e. no control
  characters, no "<>&". Maybe: only allow ascii letters, digits, and
- Maybe replace the Host header with the request's hostname, if they are
  different. In:
 GET http://foo/ HTTP/1.1
 Host: bar
  The "Host: bar" MUST be ignored by RFC 2616 [5.2]. As many webapps likely
  don't do that, we could replace the Host header to avoid any confusion.
- Don't accept requests with multiple Content-Length headers. [4.2]
- Don't accept control characters in header values (in particular single 

  which we don't treat specially, but other proxies may. [4.2]

Response headers:
- Maybe error out if an output header value or name contains CR/LF/NUL (or
  all control characters?) [4.2]
- Check that some headers appear only once, e.g. Content-Length.
- Potentially check in some headers (e.g. Content-Disposition) that 

  pairs appear only once (this may go too far / or be too expensive).

- Maybe forbid control characters in username + password (after base64

As a related issue, it should be possible to disable HTTP 0.9.

The dividing line to modules like mod_security should be that we only
check things that are forbidden by some standard and that we only look at
the protocol and not the body.  Also, I would only allow to switch the
checks on and off, no further configurability. And the checks should be
implemented efficiently, i.e. don't parse things several times to do the
checks, normally don't use regexes, etc.

What do you think?


Re: Fix for Windows bug#52476

2012-08-13 Thread Apache Lounge
Also here it is running now without issues till now here with 


-Original Message- 
From: Jeff Trawick

Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 7:43 PM Newsgroups: gmane.comp.apache.devel
Subject: Re: Fix for Windows bug#52476

This patch is testing great so far with the AcceptFilter-none+SSL
scenario on Windows.

Index: server/core_filters.c
--- server/core_filters.c   (revision 1371377)
+++ server/core_filters.c   (working copy)
@@ -391,10 +391,6 @@
if (ctx == NULL) {
ctx = apr_pcalloc(c->pool, sizeof(*ctx));
net->out_ctx = (core_output_filter_ctx_t *)ctx;
-rv = apr_socket_opt_set(net->client_socket, APR_SO_NONBLOCK, 1);
-if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
-return rv;
 * Need to create tmp brigade with correct lifetime. Passing
 * NULL to apr_brigade_split_ex would result in a brigade

I'll run it through the test framework on Linux before committing.