Re: Apache 2.2.2 + CGI -> Child Exit?!?

2006-07-14 Thread Andy Wang
Bug filed:

Re: Apache 2.2.2 + CGI -> Child Exit?!?

2006-07-14 Thread Jess Holle
Hmmm  This seems to be something really funny with regards to use of AuthnProviderAlias, AuthLDAPURL, and AuthBasicProvider as commenting these things out causes the issue to go away. We'll hopefully be able to get more precise information so a bug can be filed (and ideally some initial no

Re: Apache 2.2.2 + CGI -> Child Exit?!?

2006-07-14 Thread Jess Holle
A little more troubleshooting shows that this is likely not an issue with the particular CGI in question. I say this because the issue goes away when we reorder several of our conf files.  Even if this is our error, a child death without any warning or debug output due to a conf file ordering

Re: Apache 2.2.2 + CGI -> Child Exit?!?

2006-07-14 Thread Jess Holle
Note: In case anyone thinks I posted to the wrong group, I'm really looking for: Developer-level info as to if/how a CGI program could cause an Apache worker process death in 2.2.2 Developer-level pointers on where in mod_cgi we should place breakpoints, logging, or the like to try to dete

Apache 2.2.2 + CGI -> Child Exit?!?

2006-07-14 Thread Jess Holle
With Apache 2.2.2 on Windows, we're getting the following error:   Parent: child process exited with status 3221225477 -- Restarting. Whenever URLs are requested that execute CGI that was working 100% fine in Apache 2.0.x. This leads me to ask: How can a CGI program kill an Apache worker