
what is the standard way to store network/netmask combos, and check if a
client IP address is contained in them?

I once saw a function for that but I can't find it now. Maybe it was
apr_ipsubnet_test(), as used in modules/aaa/mod_authz_host.c. Probably
this does what I need. I find further code in apr/test/testipsub.c.

However, I would appreciate pointers to possible alternatives. I would
also appreciate pointers to examples where this is used in a module
other than mod_authz_host.

SUSE LINUX Products GmbH               Bug, bogey, bugbear, bugaboo:
Research & Development               A malevolent monster (not true?);
                                          Some mischief microbic;
                                         What makes someone phobic;
                                     The work one does not want to do.
  From: Chris Young (The Omnificent English Dictionary In Limerick Form)

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