[note crosspost and followup-to]

With the coming of mod_h2 and talk of EOL for 2.2,
my modules book is getting a bit long in the tooth.
Is it time for either a new edition or a new
dev-oriented book?

I'm not about to motivate myself to the level that
got my modules book onto the shelves.  But if there's
sufficient interest, I'd certainly play my part in
a multi-author effort, and offer to coordinate it
if noone else wants to take the lead.

In the case of a multi-author second edition to my book,
I think I'd contractually have to offer first refusal
to Prentice Hall, and I'd suggest making any royalties
payable to the ASF.  In the case of an entirely new work,
there'd be no such strings attached, but it would
probably be inappropriate for me to take a coordinating
role or to contribute material from the old book.

Anyone interested?

Nick Kew

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