Perhaps sharing this on the dev-list will allow the people who actually
implemented this new default to take a look:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mathijs <>
Date: Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 8:42 PM
Subject: Documentation of MaxConnectionsPerChild default value

Dear all,

Before the GA announcement for 2.4.1, I think it would be helpful to
mention the following in the 'Upgrading to 2.4 from 2.2' documentation:

In 2.2 and before, MaxRequestsPerChild was set to a default value of 10000
(defined in server/mpm/worker/mpm_default.h), which made sure that child
processes were killed regularly, which has the effect that nasty memory
leaking scripts (PHP for example) can't permanently fill up server

In 2.3/2.4, apart from being renamed to MaxConnectionsPerChild, this
default value for this directive has been removed. This means that any user
upgrading from 2.2 (or before) to 2.4, will have to keep an eye on the
servers' resource usage, since the child requests will live indefinately
until the httpd is restarted.

I can see the point of removing this default setting to expose badly
scripted resources, but for system administrators upgrading their Apache
HTTPD and finding this out *after* their server has been effectively DoS'ed
by those scripts, this could be documented better in the upgrade notes.

Any thoughts on this?

Kind regards,
Mathijs Schmittmann

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