Due to a trade registration dispute, we are renaming Apache iBATIS Abator to

The new version is still under development - although the core work is
almost complete.  I have committed an initial version to SVN so you can take
a look at what's going on.  There will be no further enhancements or changes
to Abator - all new work will be in the iBATOR code stream here:

I will be focusing on some changes to the Eclipse plugin for the new few
weeks before doing a formal release.  The new version will NOT be 100%
compatible with Abator - but will be very close.  Transition from Abator to
iBATOR should be simple.  I've listed some information about the development
effort on the iBATOR homepage (http://ibatis.apache.org/ibator.html) if you
want more information.

This would be a good time to make suggestions for improvements to iBATOR as
I am willing to make some breaking changes with the new version - so feel
free to let me know if there are things you would like to see added or
changed.  BTW - I know there is some interest about seeing table
relationships handled in iBATOR.  This will not make it into the initial
release.  It's a big job, and I'm still not convinced of the usefulness of
doing this.

I hope to keep the disruption to a minimum, and I will include a migration
guide once the new version is complete.  Let me know if you have any good
ideas for the future of iBATOR.

Jeff Butler

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