

Next week there are a number of events featuring Apache Ignite -- including 
meetups in Berlin and the San Francisco Bay Area. 


On Tuesday there will be an excellent webinar titled, “Redis Replaced: Why 
Companies Now Choose Apache® Ignite™ to Improve Application Speed and Scale.” 
This webinar, hosted by Ignite PMC Denis Magda, starts at 11 a.m. Pacific time. 
Be sure to RSVP!


Speaking of Denis, in case you missed it, he published a fantastic blog post 
yesterday headlined: “Apache Cassandra vs. Apache Ignite: Strong Consistency 
and Transactions.” This post, part of a series on Apache Cassandra vs. Apache 
Ignite, examines the pros & cons of NoSQL databases in terms of consistency and 
ACID transactions compared with how Apache Ignite handles them. 


Meanwhile, starting on Tuesday, Ignite evangelist Akmal Chaudhri touches down 
in Berlin where he’ll begin a three-day meetup roadshow. 


First up is the Java Usergroup Berlin-Brandenburg Meetup on Tuesday evening. 
Akmal’s talk is titled, "Skyrocket Java applications with the open-source 
Apache Ignite."

Then on Wednesday he’s back behind the podium – this time at the Berlin 
Kubernetes Meetup. This meetup is sold-out! Great job, Akmal! There are 125 
RSVPs and another 88 on the waiting list. Akmal’s talk is called, "Distributed 
Database DevOps Dilemmas? Kubernetes to the rescue!"


On Thursday (Feb. 22), Akmal takes the stage at the Big Data, Berlin Meetup. 
This event’s venue is large enough so there won’t be a need for a waiting list. 
Even so, an impressive 156 people have so far RSVP’d. His talk there is titled, 
“Apache Ignite: the in-memory hammer in your data science toolkit.”


Backing up a day and to the Bay is the fabulous Bay Area In-Memory Computing 
Meetup on Feb. 21 in Santa Clara. 


Eden Kim, Chair of the SNIA Solid State Storage Technical Work Group will 
present, "Real-world workloads and in-memory performance." His discussion will 
compare real-world datacenter workloads between NVMe SSD block IO and NVDIMM-N 
byte addressable load-store.” Ignite committer Valentin Kulichenko will also 
speak on, "Building consistent and highly available distributed systems with 
Apache Ignite and GridGain." 


If you’re at the HQ then RSVP now and make plans to catch all the action.

Read more about all of next week’s event here and have a great weekend!


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