
I'm working on the 
issue-1281(https://github.com/apache/incubator-iotdb/issues/1281). I plan to 
add a sub clause in show timeseries syntax, like:

SHOW TIMESERIES prefixPath? showWhereClause? orderByHeatClause? limitClause?

The 'orderByHeatClause' is added to support this feature. The detailed syntax 


It's an optional clause, if user doesn't specify it. The action of 'show 
timeseries' will just be like before, the result set is sorted by the 
registered time of the time series.

If it is specified, firstly we will obtain all the satisfying timeseries as 
before, then we will sort them by the last point's timestamp. That means if the 
timeseries is inserted recently, it will be shown in the front. 

In the implementation, as we have got the LeafMNode before, so we can use the 
cachedLastValuePair field in it to get last timestamp, if the 
cachedLastValuePair is null, we will construct a LastQueryPlan to get it.

Yuan Tian

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