you might recall that one of the editors of Software Developers' Journal
asked a week or two back for submissions for a forthcoming issue of their
online mag.

Anyway, yours truly stepped up.  So, should you wish, you can read my
utterings, you can download here  [1].  The cost is your email being added
to a distribution list... ie you do need to register first.  (When I
registered their mail went into my gmail spam folder, which baffled me til
I realised).

If you do download, you'll notice that the articles are quite long.  Sorry
bout that.  Well, they said the articles could be as long as I wanted ...
in fact, they said the longer the better, so I took them at their word.
 For myself, I do think they might have laid them out with a bit more
whitespace.  And the little sidebars that I'd put in to break up the
content seem to have been inlined.

Still, if you do read them, I'm sure you'll all agree that the actual
content is first class ;-)


PS: meant to say, thanks to Jeroen for proof reading them both, at very
short notice.


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